PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Here is a list of Pokemon that appeared in the Indigo League anime season. The episode number next to their names are their anime debut episode.

  • Bulbasaur - EP001
  • Ivysaur - EP047
  • Venusaur - EP020
  • Charmander - EP001
  • Charmeleon - EP043
  • Charizard - EP025
  • Squirtle - EP001
  • Wartortle - EP060
  • Blastoise - EP020
  • Caterpie - EP002
  • Metapod - EP003
  • Butterfree - EP003
  • Weedle - EP004
  • Kakuna - EP004
  • Beedrill - EP003
  • Pidgey - EP001
  • Pidgeotto - EP003
  • Pidgeot - EP009
  • Rattata - EP001
  • Raticate - EP015
  • Spearow - EP001
  • Fearow - EP030
  • Ekans - EP002
  • Arbok - EP031
  • Pikachu - EP001
  • Raichu - EP014
  • Sandshrew - EP001
  • Sandslash - EP033
  • Nidoran♀ - EP030
  • Nidorina - EP033
  • Nidoran♂ - EP028
  • Nidorino - EP001
  • Nidoking - EP047
  • Clefairy - EP006
  • Clefable - EP006
  • Vulpix - EP028
  • Ninetales - EP038/EP040 (Japan/International, due to EP038 being banned internationally.)
  • Jigglypuff - EP045
  • Wigglytuff - EP069
  • Zubat - EP006
  • Golbat - EP032
  • Oddish - EP010
  • Gloom - EP026
  • Vileplume - EP026
  • Paras - EP006
  • Parasect - EP044
  • Venonat - EP028
  • Venomoth - EP032
  • Diglett - EP031
  • Dugtrio - EP031
  • Meowth - EP002
  • Persian - EP015
  • Psyduck - EP027
  • Mankey - EP001
  • Primeape - EP025
  • Growlithe - EP030
  • Arcanine - EP063
  • Poliwag - EP025
  • Poliwhirl - EP025
  • Poliwrath - EP029
  • Abra - EP022
  • Kadabra - EP022
  • Alakazam - EP072
  • Machop - EP029
  • Machoke - EP029
  • Machamp - EP029
  • Bellsprout - EP025
  • Weepinbell - EP009
  • Victreebel - EP026
  • Tentacool - EP019
  • Tentacruel - EP019
  • Geodude - EP005
  • Graveler - EP009
  • Golem - EP036
  • Ponyta - EP033
  • Rapidash - EP033
  • Slowpoke - EP017
  • Slowbro - EP017
  • Magnemite - EP030
  • Magneton - EP030
  • Farfetch'd - EP049
  • Doduo - EP065
  • Dodrio - EP001
  • Seel - EP007
  • Dewgong - EP061
  • Grimer - EP026
  • Muk - EP030
  • Shellder - EP036
  • Cloyster - EP036
  • Gastly - EP020
  • Haunter - EP023
  • Gengar - EP001
  • Onix - EP001
  • Drowzee - EP027
  • Hypno - EP027
  • Krabby - EP013
  • Kingler - EP042
  • Voltorb - EP032
  • Electrode - EP033
  • Exeggcute - EP026
  • Exeggutor - EP040
  • Cubone - EP009
  • Marowak - EP073
  • Hitmonlee - EP029
  • Hitmonchan - EP029
  • Lickitung - EP052
  • Koffing - EP002
  • Weezing - EP031
  • Rhyhorn - EP033
  • Rhydon - EP042
  • Chansey - EP002
  • Tangela - EP026
  • Kangaskhan - EP034
  • Horsea - EP019
  • Seadra - EP075
  • Goldeen - EP002
  • Seaking - EP061
  • Staryu - EP006
  • Starmie - EP007
  • Mr. Mime - EP064
  • Scyther - EP042
  • Jynx - Holiday Hi-Jynx
  • Electabuzz - EP042
  • Magmar - EP058
  • Pinsir - EP004
  • Tauros - EP033
  • Magikarp - EP001
  • Gyarados - EP001
  • Lapras - Holiday Hi-Jynx
  • Ditto - EP037
  • Eevee - EP040
  • Vaporeon - EP040
  • Jolteon - EP040
  • Flareon - EP040
  • Porygon - EP038/EP047 (see Ninetales for reason)
  • Omanyte - EP046
  • Omastar - EP046
  • Kabuto - EP046
  • Kabutops - EP046
  • Aerodactyl - EP046
  • Snorlax - EP041
  • Moltres - EP074
  • Dratini - EP035/EP037 (see Ninetales for reason)
  • Dragonair - EP035 (Japan only, otherwise Dragonair never debuted internationally)
  • Dragonite - EP013
  • Mewtwo - EP063
  • Togepi - EP050
  • Ho-Oh - EP001

Note there were a few banned episodes mentioned, including Holiday Hi-Jynx.

Hope I helped. :)
Source and Microsoft Excel

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This definitely deserves more up-votes than it has. Here's your first.
Indigo you definitely put a lot of work into that. +1!