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I just realized on showdown and in game that people use Rotom-Wash alot, why is that?

Probably because it has only one weakness and 107 in both defenses, gets Pain Split and W-o-W

1 Answer

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Best answer

The main reason is its great typing. Being Water/Electric it has 5 resistances, 1 immunity and only one weakness with Levitate, and Grass isn't really a common type in OU either. It is also a natural counter to Talonflame and other Pokémon, making it an ideal Pokémon in the current OU meta game. Its Hydro Pump is nothing to laugh at either, checking Heatran, Gliscor and such.

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I can think of only two really viable pokemon in OU: Mega Venusaur and Breloom. Charizards carry Solar Beam as well, but overall Grass is not an extremely bad weakness to have.
Amoonguss can work as well :3
+U-Turn deals with grass types, and you can switch into a fire type
wot. Rotom Wash can't learn U-Turn :l
I think he meant on other pokemon to help with grass types,
Well then in that case literally any Bug, Fire, Ice, Poison, or Flying type move could be used. I'm not sure why he would specifically mention U-Turn if were talking about any random move that could take out Grass types :l
Because it is fairly strong, if it doesn't KO, you switch into a more powerful pokemon, it is wwaaaaaaaaayyyy better than switching, and I have good experiences with it. I didn't check to see if rotom could learn it.