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I want to know. Base it of: moves, stats, megas( meaning hydreigon and dragonite are excluded)

Movesets would be appreciated.

This an opinion questions
No it's not. It is based of moves, type and stats, not just your favourite psuedo legendary.  If Tyranitar is 4x weak to fighting, and it deals neutral to Metagross,  Metagross is better against fighting types, not just because it is your favourite.
There's kind of no BEST pseudo legendary. (In my opinion)
That's kinda like asking the best moveset was Metagross
There is no best one. It depends on how you like to play and what pokemon you have etc

2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Well, there is no best Pseudo Legend

Honestly in all Pokemon there is no best Pokemon. You can have the best typing, the best stats or the best movepool, but it still could not be the best. That being said here are the pseudo legends and my thoughts on all 8.

Dragonite: It has a great HA (mulitscale), it is pretty well rounded (can be mixed sweeper), it has a pretty good movepool, and access to DD (works well with multiscale).

It doesn't have the best typing (x4 weak to ice, plus a weakness to fairy, dragon and rock). It doesn't have a mega.

Tyranitar: It has a good ability (sand stream), it has a mega, boosting it's stats, and it's a different type than all but one of the other pseudo's.

It has pretty bad typing (x4 weak to fighting plus 6 other weaknesses). It

Salamence: It has a good ability before and after it's mega evolution. It can be a mixed sweeper. It has a good movepool. It has a mega.

It has the same typing as dragonite (not very good typing). It loses moxie (better than aerialite imo)

Metagross: It has a good movepool. The one of the best typing of all the pseudo's. It has a mega. It has access to a priority move (helps a lot).

It still is weak to 4 things. It doesn't have the best abilities of all the pseudo's.

Garchomp: It has pretty good typing. It has a mega. It runs great with tyranitar. It has a decent movepool.

It's abilities aren't that good. It has a x4 weakness to ice.

Hydreigon: It has a good movepool. It has a good ability.

It doesn't have a mega. It's typing is pretty bad. It's ability isn't the best. It can't quite be a sweeper (not enough speed) it can't quite be a wall (not enough defenses).

Goodra: It probably has the best typing of all the pseudo's. It has a good movepool. It can be a great wall, especially with acid armor and it's high sp def.

It's ability is meh. It doesn't have a mega.

So there really isn't a best pseudo legend. They all are very good, but they can all be beaten by different Pokemon. Some of them could beat each other, but then be beaten by a different pseudo.

If you have any questions please ask in comments!

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When you mean "best typing of all pseudo legends" do you mean Hisuian or Kalosian?
This answer was written before HGoodra existed.
–1 vote

The best pseudo legendary in my opinion is hisuian goodra, as it has the same amazing typing as dialga, but it has a much better hidden ability than dialga, being gooey. On top of that, it has an enormous movepool, with moves like Ice Beam and Hydro Pump for coverage making it a versatile, damage dealing wall in PvP.

Just because a Pokémon has great coverage and an ability doesn’t make it “the best”.
Well then excuse me for stating my opinion. If you disagree state valid reasons,  because trust me, hisuian goodra is the best pseudo so far. It has the best typing in terms of offense and defense, insane bulk, and an enormous movepool.
Goodra-Hisui is not the best pseudo legendary in regards to SV because:

* Garchomp and Dragonite are OU
* It lacks consistent recovery
* Harder for it to set up than something like Salamence due to no meaningful boosting moves

The first two should immediately show why HGoodra isn't the best -- it's ranked a tier below two other pseudos, and it's susceptible to being whittled down thanks to having no recovery. If we're taking other generations into account, every pseudo (except debatably Goodra-Kalos) has had success in OU or higher for at least a generation, which sets HGoodra behind immediately.
If you watched CybertronVGC’s video on Hisuian goodra, it is so hard to kill to the point where Cyberyron called it unkillable. Sure Garchomp is an amazing mon with great moves like earthquake, but Hisuian goodra wont die from that.
“It’s good trust me. I watched a YouTube video”
If you’re going to argue why something is the best, you need to argue why others AREN'T the best. Y’know? Like the other answer compared the pros and cons, which was why it’s a good answer. Your answer looks more like an opinion than it does facts, and this site is about facts.
Because the question was “What is the best pseudo legendary?” so I stated my opinion. If yours is garchomp who cares? Why do you care so much about my answer when I am only stating facts about hisuian goodra. Its too bulky, has an enormous movepool, and has an amazing typing.
Nicki, I’m stating what’s wrong with your answer, as you said previously, “if you disagree state valid reasons”. I disagree with your answer, because as you said, it is an opinion. As a moderator on the site, I’m telling you that a proper answer is about facts, not opinions.
jumpscare not u being a mod