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In Alpha Sapphire, in Team Aqua's Hideout, I came across Shelly's room. There was a picture of a boy, a girl, and a "Pokemon with 3 'notes' on its head. That was Jirachi. What I don't get is how did they know Jirachi in the first place and is it involved in some part of the story. I have already become the champion and even completed the Delta Episode and I've never heard anything about Jirachi in the game other than this. If it is not involved in the game, why did Game Freak decide to put Jirachi in that picture? I know I might be overthinking it but it is pretty confusing. If someone somehow finds something please answer this question.

Did you read the note on the picture, too?

3 Answers

1 vote

The other answers are good too, but I'd like to point this out: Jirachi was a key figure in the Emerald manga arc (Battle Frontier) which heavily focuses on Archie's desire to expand the sea. Shelly doesn't appear at all in this, though I thought this would be interesting to point out.

0 votes

Jirachi was an event Pokemon for the original Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, so I'm assuming it's been placed there as either (a) just a decoration, much like the Dialga and Palkia statues in X/Y, or (b) maybe they're foreshadowing a future event, y'know, reminding people that Jirachi exists before they release it. We're still got at least 1 year for events, I can image one of them would be a Jirachi event, but I can't confirm anything.

Could you please tell me where the Dialga/Palkia statues are? (no sarcasm intended here) I only saw the Reshiram/Zekrom ones in my playthrough.
0 votes

Game Freak likes to do these things, also known as Easter Eggs. They can reference other companies, other parts of the series, and more.

For example, if you received the Shiny Beldum event and you have it in your party during the Delta Episode, at some point or another Steven says you remind him of a young man with a black Charizard. This references Alain and his Mega Charizard X from the Mega Evolution Special on TV. A hiker in Pokemon X and Y also references Colress from Black and White 2.
