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Sorry if this has been answered before but I couldn't find an exact answer.
So I basically have a Male and Female Ralts, both with HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack & Speed.
One has the Destiny Knot and the other has the Everstone for nature.

I've been breeding the two for ages now, playing oras on and off for 2 weeks!

What are the chances that I will actually hatch a 6IV Ralts?
& is there anything I can do to improve the chances of breeding one from my current situation.

I did this exact method with Bagon & it worked much quicker, I'm not sure if I'm breeding wrongly or just unlucky!



1 Answer

2 votes

Breeding parents 31/31/31/31/x/31 and 31/31/31/31/x/31
will produce a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Pokemon 0.5208% of the time or 1 out of every 192 eggs!
Chance of hatching Goal within X number of Eggs:
Eggs Chance
1 0.5208%
5 2.5772%
10 5.0879%
30 14.5004%
50 22.9794%
100 40.6783%
200 64.8093%
500 92.6537%
1000 99.4603%

Odds of getting X number of perfect IVs

IVs No Modifiers With Modifiers
6IV 0.5208% 0.5208%
5IV 18.7500% 18.7500%
4IV 80.7292% 80.7292%
3IV 0.0000% 0.0000%
<3IV 0.0000% 0.0000%
Expected number of perfect IVs: 4.1979

IV Spread Distrubution (no modifiers)
IV Spread Chance
31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 0.5208%
31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / xx / 31 18.7500%
31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / xx / xx 16.1458%
31 / 31 / 31 / xx / xx / 31 16.1458%
31 / 31 / xx / 31 / xx / 31 16.1458%
31 / xx / 31 / 31 / xx / 31 16.1458%
xx / 31 / 31 / 31 / xx / 31
Source http://destinyknot.tk/
