PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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So, this is sort of a two in one question.
Question one:
You have an empty slot in your party and evolve Nincada, but you don't have any Pokeballs. Will you get Shedinja?
Question two:
You have an empty slot in your party and evolve Nincada, but you don't have any normal Pokeballs, instead you have any other Pokeball. Will you get Shedinja? If so, what ball will it be in?


2 Answers

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Best answer

>An extra Poké Ball is not necessary to obtain Shedinja in Generation III.

>From Generation IV onwards, a basic Poké Ball (a requirement for evolution) is removed from the bag upon evolution to produce a Shedinja. In Generation III, Shedinja instead copied the ball Nincada was in; this is the only legitimate way to get a Shedinja in a non-standard Poké Ball.


So, to answer your question: No, you will not get a Shedinja without a Pokeball, except in R/S/E/LG/FR.

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So if Nincada was in a masterball, shedinja would also be in a master ball?
1 vote

I know it's already been answered but I'd feel like this was a missed opportunity if I didn't post this.


Thank you for your time and patience.

Good day to you too