PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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So you go through the wormhole at the Altar of the Moone with Lunala to get Cosmog, then come back to your own world. But I've noticed that since you're in the world of Pokemon Sun while playing Moon, can you get the Pokemon exclusive to Sun, like evolving your Rockruff into Lycanroc Midday form in the Sun world or finding Turtonator on Mount Lanakila instead of finding Drampa.

Note: I don't have a copy of Sun or Moon, so I can't test this myself


3 Answers

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Best answer

No you cannot.

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lol so straightforward
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I haven't personally played the game, but here is the best I can understand for this.

There are some Alolan Pokemon that are version exclusive to either Sun or Moon, such as either the Lycanrocs or Alolan Vulpix and Sandslash.

Almost all Pokemon that can only evolve in one game or can only be found in one game follow that rule, if they can't evolve in that game, it just can't happen. The version exclusive Pokemon also follow this rule.

Lycanroc is no exception. You can't evolve Lycanroc into it's Midday form in Pokemon Moon. However, you can catch it's Midday form. If you want, check out Lycanroc's info on this site. It states that you can evolve Rockruff in Midday form during day only in Pokemon Sun.

0 votes

Sadly, no. Although if you want to get the exclusives to fill out the 'Dex I reccomend using the Global Trade System (GTS) In the Festival Plaza under the "Trade" option. Just deposit an exclusive for your version and ask for an exclusive from the other version. Give it some time and I'm sure you'll recieve something. Hope this helped :)
