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So, I have been considering hunting Dewpider for it's shiny. Originally, I had wanted to use a Harvest/Skill Swap Exeggcute or Phantump, but it has been difficult, especially considering I don't have ORAS or X or Y (if anyone has one, I am willing to trade). Anyways, I began looking into harvest, and thought that there still might be some strategies, considering I am already using a Harvest Exeggcutor for shiny hunting. What if a Harvest Pokemon used Fling to give the opponent the berry? Or a Recycle/Fling? What about Trick/Recycle or Trick/Harvest? Is there any way to do this while still shiny hunting? Any strategies here? And I mean specifically for SOS battles. Is Harvest/Skill Swap the only way to get the opponent to not faint?

Edit: Could you create something like:

Killing Move
False Swipe

For a catcher? It could create infinite berries both for itself and the caller, in addition to being able to battle on it's own. Of course, you would need some HP restoring move set up, like Aqua Ring, in addition to having the opponent having decent HP to struggle. Just an idea.

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There are no Pokemon with both false swipe and harvest. Smeargle can learn all of the moves you wanted (of course, only four at a time), and both Gallade and Mew can learn false swipe, recycle, and trick.

1 Answer

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The only three Pokemon capable of what you asked for are Mew, Gallade, and Smeargle.
source (/ds command)
If you can use Mew, then use Mew. If you can't use Mew but can use Gallade, then use Gallade. If you can use neither, then use Smeargle. The three sets are as follows.

Mew @ leppa berry
Ability: synchronize
-false swipe

Gallade @ leppa berry
Ability: steadfast
-false swipe

Smeargle @ leppa berry
Ability: technician
-false swipe

You do know Alolan Exeggutor gets Harvest and Bestow?
Yeah, but it can't learn false swipe.
Oh, okay then.