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For example, both Weedle and Beedrill are found in Almia's browser, yet Kakuna is not. Just list the evolutionary family if it applies and which member(s) it's missing.

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I don't think you could find baby Pokemon such as Budew...
Do I have to list families that are completely missing, like the Farfetch'd family?
I can't even tell if the above is a troll or a legit question
No; just the incomplete ones, like the Weedle families.

1 Answer

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Chansey family is missing Chansey and Blissey. Snorlax family is missing Snorlax. Slakoth family is missing Vigoroth and Slaking. Tangela family is missing Tangela. Weedle family is missing Kakuna. Grimer family is missing Grimer. Lickitung family is missing Lickitung. Nincada family is missing Nincada and Shedinja. Abra family is missing Kadabra. Jigglypuff family is missing Igglybuff. Chimecho family is missing Chimecho. Jynx family is missing Smoochum. Dratini family is missing Dragonite. Clamperl family is missing Clamperl. Tentacool family is missing Tentacool. Burmy family is missing Burmy and Wormadam. Bellsprout family is missing Bellsprout and Weepinbell. Treecko family is missing Treecko and Grovyle. Baltoy family is missing Baltoy. Torchic family is missing Torchic and Combusken. Trapinch family is missing Trapinch and Vibrava. Swablu family is missing Swablu. Togepi family is missing Togepi and Togetic. Porygon family is missing Porygon and Porygon2.

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