PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Yeah of course.

3 Answers

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If you want the specifics:

Reflect halves the damage taken from physical moves directed at the ally team.

Will-o-Wisp inflicts the burn status on the target, which decreases it's physical moves' power by half while steadily decreasing HP.

If a burned opponent hits the ally team while Reflect is active on the ally's team, the damage will be calculated as 1/2 * 1/2, which is equal to 1/4 the damage the move would normally do.

Sources: Bulbapedia (1, 2)

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Sort of- Reflect reduces physical damage, while burn lowers the opponent's Atk by half. they reduce physical damage, but in different ways, which is why they don't stack but they work together (so they kinda stack, but not really mathematically... You know what i'm trying to say, Right?
in s/m us/um they did nerf burn damage from 1/8hp to 1/16hp.

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Of course they stack. I don't see why they wouldn't.
