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I already caught Necrozma and all the Tapus except Tapu Lele. Should I use it to catch Tapu Lele or is there another legendary I should use it on?

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Save it in case you find a shiny Pokemon that knows roar.

6 Answers

1 vote

The only legendries you can catch in Sun are Solgaleo, Necrozma, the Tapus, and... yeah, that's really it. I don't find any point to using your Master Ball on a non-legendary Pokémon so I suggest four options. 1. Use it on Tapu Lele. It's better than using it on any other Pokémon in the game. 2. Give it to a Pokémon as a held item and put it on the GTS. People will probably give up something good for a Master Ball. 3. If you have Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon, you can transport it over via PokeBank and use it on Mewtwo. 4. Just keep it a souvenir.

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Yes. Transfer the master ball to USUM via PokeBank. If it matters, I'll change it to transport.
1 vote

If I were you I would use it on Tapu Lele after 20 ultra balls and 10 timer balls. But if you don’t manage to use it on that Pokémon then the best thing to do is use it on a Pokemon That is nearly impossible to catch like... Jangmo-o! Then you can breed and wonder trade away those jangmo-o to compete your Pokédex so you can get the shiny charm.
Vote if you agree, if we can get to 10 votes I will do a mad rotom giveaway in Pokemon sun, just send me your usernames and wait at 13:00 Friday if we do. I only have 18 rotom so hurry and get one!
From MegaMegamart

Username: sumwun
I already have a Rotom all the way from white 2. I could breed and give as many as I'd like away, as long as anybody asks. Also, the second part has little relevance to the question. :P
"Rotom giveaway" and "master ball" both contain an m, a tm an e, and an r. How are they not related?
eat your foot wiki troll. You just wan't a rotom, don't you? I swear, they aren't hard to get... and yes, rotom giveaway shares characters with master ball, however that proves nothing. once again, darn you and your bulbapedia page wiki troll.
Don't blame me. Blame April Fools day.
0 votes

If you mean Ultra Sun (just in case), I suggest to use it on Mewtwo. Mewtwo has Recover, and was a bit annoying to deal with for me. Of course, you could use it on any other Legendary you want (or Tapu Lele), but Mewtwo is considerably harder to catch if you don't have Heal Block and the Master Ball matches Mewtwo's color scheme.

If you mean Sun (because I read the question wrong), Give it to a Pokemon and offer on the GTS
, People will desire it more; or use it on Tapu Lele, I like how it matches the color scheme of the Pokemon, it will really complement it. Otherwise, use it on another Pokemon that matches it's color scheme. It looks well, but be aware that you can't pass down Master Balls via breeding.
Source: Experience

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wait u can catch mewtwo in sun?
you can catch mewtwo in ultra sun, but not sun
oh, sorry read wrong XD. Edited.
0 votes

If I were you I would SR for a perfect Timid Tapu Lele. At the moment, Lele is king (or queen lets not assume genders) of BSS and getting a 5 IV 0 Attack one would be really nice. I suggest catching a timid synchronize abra so and putting it in the front of your party to raise the chances of you getting your perfect Tapu Lele. Also, you can pull up Pokemon showdown, add a Tapu Lele on a new team, make everything perfect except he's level 50, and then press summary on your Tapu Lele you caught with a master ball in game, and then compare stats. (You could just try getting 0 Atk IVs and then bottle capping the other 2 or more missing stats)

0 votes

Shiny chain a Beldum and then just use your Master Ball. I think my game is glitched as I caught all my legendaries in Poke Balls with max health almost first time, except for Necrozma.

0 votes

Honestly, save it. My friend found a shiny Claydol in Emerald and couldn't catch it because of Self-Destruct because he used the Master Ball on Rayquaza. Waste it and you might miss out on a shiny. Also, you can't transfer items using the Pokemon Bank so I say keeping it for a shiny you can fail is still the best option.

Isn't Rayquaza better than a Shiny Claydol? Pardon me if I'm wrong I ain't a shiny hunter...
Yeah,but shiny pokemon are way rarer.
Also,what are the chances you would run into something with selfdestruct and be shiny?