Open Pokemon Online. You should see some options. Click on "Team Bulder". From there, choose six Pokemon. Give them their moves, items, EVs, natures, IVs, and happiness values using the options. You can also change the gender and choose whether or not the Pokemon is shiny. If the Pokemon has multiple abilities, then choose which one you want. If you want the Pokemon to be a lower level than 100 for whatever reason (Middle Cup, Little Cup, or FEAR) then change the level. You can select what Hidden Power type you want by selecting the type, that way you don't have to guess with IVs. Save your team and from there I would ask people on this site if they want to battle. I'm able to battle and help you with your team , suggesting improvements. I can also teach you the rules if you don't know them (tiers, banned items, etc). If you have any specific problems, please comment and let me know! :)