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Black and White 2, XY, ORAS, SM, USUM, Sword and Shield. I'd appreciate a separate list for each game rather than just one big list of all key items.


1 Answer

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Black/White: Bicycle, Dark Stone, Dowsing MCHN, Gracidea, Light Stone, Pal Pad, Prop Case, Super Rod, Town Map, Vs. Recorder, Xtransceiver, Dragon Skull, Gram 1, 2, and 3, and the Liberty Pass..

Unobtainable (Black/White): Safari Ball, Cherish Ball, Loot Sack, Rule Book, Seal Bag, Red Chain. Oak's Letter, Azure Flute, S.S. Ticket, Contest Pass, SlowpokeTail, Sport Ball, Park Ball, Photo Album, Lock Capsule, Dream Ball, TM95 (Snarl), and the God Stone.

Black 2/White 2: Bicycle, Dark Stone, Dowsing MCHN, Gracidea, Light Stone, Pal Pad, Prop Case, Super Rod, Town Map, Vs. Recorder, Xtransceiver, Colress MCHN, DNA Splicers, Dropped Item, Grubby Hanky, Lunar Wing, Magma Stone, Medal Box, Oval Charm, Permit, Plasma Card, Reveal Glass, and the Shiny Charm.

Unobtainable (Black 2/White 2): Safari Ball, Cherish Ball, Loot Sack, Rule Book, Seal Bag, Red Chain. Oak's Letter, Azure Flute, S.S. Ticket, Contest Pass, SlowpokeTail, Sport Ball, Park Ball, Photo Album, Lock Capsule, Dream Ball, and the God Stone.

X/Y: DNA Splicers, Dowsing Machine, Exp. Share, Good Rod, Gracidea, Intriguing Stone, Old Rod, Oval Charm, Reveal Glass, Shiny Charm, Super Rod, Vs. Recorder, Adventure Rules, Bicycle, Elevator Key, Holo Caster, Honor of Kalos, Lens Case, Looker Ticket, Mega Ring, Poké Radar, Power Plant Pass, Prof's Letter, Roller Skates, Sprinklotad, and the TMV Pass.

Unobtainable (X/Y): Common Stone, Travel Trunk, Fairy Gem, Mega Charm, and the Mega Glove.

Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire: DNA Splicers, Dowsing Machine, Exp. Share, Good Rod, Gracidea, Intriguing Stone, Old Rod, Oval Charm, Reveal Glass, Shiny Charm, Super Rod, Vs. Recorder, Acro Bike, Aqua Suit, Clear Bell, Contest Costume, Contest Pass, Devon Parts, Devon Scope, Devon Scuba Gear, Eon Flute, Eon Ticket, Go-Goggles, Key to Room 1, Key to Room 2, Key to Room 4, Key to Room 6, Letter, Mach Bike, Magma Suit, Mega Bracelet,
Meteorite, Meteorite Shard, Pair of Tickets, Pokéblock Kit, Prison Bottle, Scanner, Soot Sack, S.S. Ticket, Storage Key, Tidal Bell, and the Wailmer Pail.

Unobtainable (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire): Common Stone, Travel Trunk, Fairy Gem, Mega Charm, Mega Glove, Basement Key, Mega Pendant, Mega Glasses, Mega Anchor, Mega Stickpin, Mega Tiara, Mega Anklet, Mega Cuff, and the Key Stone.

Sun/Moon: Key Stone, DNA Splicers, Shiny Charm, Exp. Share, Fishing Rod, Forage Bag, Gracidea, Lens Case, Makeup Bag, Moon Flute, Oval Charm, Prison Bottle, Professor's Mask, Reveal Glass, Sparkling Stone, Sun Flute, Zygarde Cube, Enigmatic Card, and the Z-Ring.

Unobtainable (Sun/Moon): Common Stone, Travel Trunk, Fairy Gem, Mega Charm, Mega Glove, Basement Key, Mega Pendant, Mega Glasses, Mega Anchor, Mega Stickpin, Mega Tiara, Mega Anklet, Mega Cuff, and the Ride Pager.

Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon: Key Stone, DNA Splicers, Shiny Charm, Exp. Share, Fishing Rod, Forage Bag, Gracidea, Lens Case, Makeup Bag, Moon Flute, Oval Charm, Prison Bottle, Professor's Mask, Reveal Glass, Sparkling Stone, Sun Flute, Zygarde Cube, Blue Petal, Galactic Key, Green Petal, Ilima's Normalium Z, Left Poké Ball, N-Lunarizer, N-Solarizer, Orange Petal, Pink Petal, Purple Petal, Rainbow Flower, Red Petal, Surge Badge, Yellow Petal, and the Z-Power Ring.

Sword/Shield: Adventure Guide, Camping Gear, Catching Charm, DNA Splicers, Dynamax Band, Endorsement, Escape Rope, Fishing Rod, Hi-tech Earbuds, N-Lunarizer, N-Solarizer, Old Letter, Oval Charm, Pokémon Box Link, Rotom Bike, Rotom Catalog, Shiny Charm, Sonia's Book, and the Wishing Star.

  • The Isle of Armor (Sword/Shield): Armor Pass, Exp. Charm, Mark Charm, Rotom Bike (with the trail), and the Style Card.

  • The Crown Tundra (Sword/Shield): Black Mane Hair, Carrot Seeds, Crown Pass, Iceroot Carrot, Legendary Clue 1, Legendary Clue 2, Legendary Clue 3, Legendary Clue?, Radiant Petal, Reins of Unity, Shaderoot Carrot, White Mane Hair, and the Wooden Crown.

Unobtainable (Sword/Shield): Wishing Chip and the Band Autograph.

Source (Key Items)
Source (Unobtainable Items)

I couldn't find unobtainable items for Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon.

edited by
Are you including the items that you can't acess or have no use?
Oh, my bad, I didn't know that's what you wanted. I'll add them now.
I didn't even ask the question. I was just asking if you did or not.
Heh, well... It's there now :P
As the one who asked the question, I have to say it. This is an amazing answer. The unobtainable items are a little excessive, but other people viewing the question might wonder about them, so thanks for including them.
Oh wow, I didn't even realize you were he asker (this is very cringy looking back)... Anyway, thanks.