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Can someone list all non legendary Pokemon that resists or are immune to both ground and fighting type that are at least in underused tier or higher?

Flying types that aren't part Rock, Steel or Normal type resist both.

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

/ds7 resists ground,resists fighting,ubers:
Arceus-Bug, Arceus-Flying, Ho-Oh, Landorus, Lugia, Pheromosa, Rayquaza, Salamence-Mega, Shaymin-Sky
/ds7 resists ground,resists fighting,ou:
Charizard-Mega-Y, Gliscor, Hawlucha, Landorus-Therian, Pelipper, Tapu Bulu, Tornadus-Therian, Zapdos
/ds7 resists ground,resists fighting,uubl:
Buzzwole, Dragonite, Gyarados, Heracross-Mega, Pinsir-Mega, Salamence, Thundurus
/ds7 resists ground,resists fighting,uu:
Celebi, Crobat, Gligar, Moltres, Togekiss

Legendaries and mythicals removed: Pheromosa, Charizard-Mega-Y, Gliscor, Hawlucha, Pelipper, Buzzwole, Dragonite, Gyarados, Heracross-Mega, Pinsir-Mega, Salamence, Crobat, Gligar, Togekiss

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This is for ultra moon only. I put in the tags I am on usum
Haunter has levitate I think so it is immune to both, you could eviolite it
@Savitar Edited!
@Nuivo Haunter isn't in the right tier.
–1 vote

There are a lot of Pokemon that resist/are immune to fighting and ground. A few that come to mind are...


- Psychic resists fighting
  • Levitate makes immune to Ground

- Psychic and Flying makes 4x resistance to fighting
- Flying makes immune to Ground

G-Max Butterfree
- Bug and Flying makes 4x resistance to fighting

- Flying makes immune to ground


- Fairy and Flying make 4x resistance to fighting
 - Flying makes immune to ground


- Flying resists fighting
- Flying makes immune to ground

Any flying type will resist and be immune to fighting and ground, in that order.
Any bug type will resist both fighting and ground.
Ghost types with levitate (ie. Haunter) will be immune to both.

Hope this helped.

The question is tagged "ultra-sun-moon", so Gmax Butterfree shouldn't be here. Haunter isn't in the right tier, and Scizor resists neither despite being bug type. Also this answer is incomplete.