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Which Pokemon will take more hits before faint, a Pokémon with a high HP and very low defense or a Pokémon with a high def./sp.def and a very low HP ?

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1 Answer

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I suggest defense and special defense because when you get defense stats you have a more reliable from special and defense hits. Having high H.P. doesn't mean that you are gonna be strong against hits. Just imagine it like this, Having high hp with bad special defense and getting hit by a super effective move. But with high defense and special defense you will be able to take more hits.

If you want some Pokemon who are like that here are some Ideas: Toxapex, Steelix, Umbreon, Snorlax, and Avalugg. They are all obtainable in sword and shield.

https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/stats/combo go to wall double click and you will find some Pokemon like that because not all wall Pokemon have great H.P.. Also shelmet might just be close to first yet it's other stats are unbelievably low for a Pokemon

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I want a good Eternarus for both,in-game and online battles, 252 EV's is on sp.attack but i dont know where i apply the other 252 EV.
I suggest this Eternatus @ Black Sludge
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Cosmic Power
- Toxic
- Recover
- Mystical Fire

Pressure stall. Cosmic Power raises defenses, Toxic wears down anything other than Poison and Steel types, Recover is a recovery move, and Mystical Fire takes out Steel types.

From Molthree
Thank you man :D
i'm not sure if that set would be that good in game, but it's good to try it out at least
eternatus is very versatile and fills many roles
So many comments :D thank you molthree