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  1. Meowstic. With Meowstic, it is not stats, but the difference is in their movepool. The Male form has a more support vs moves like Helping Hand and Misty Terrain. The Female has a more attack based moves at with moves like Charge Beam. I know this isn't stats, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
  2. Nidoqueen and Nidoking. Nidoking is more attack oriented while Nidoqueen is more bulky. Keep in mind, they both evolve from Nidoran male and female so I won't include those. Their movesets are also different.
  3. Indeedee. Just like with Nidoking and Nidoqueen, the male is more attack oriented with higher SpA and Spd, but the female has higher defenses and Hp. Their movepools are only slightly different though.
    Hope I helped! I went into a little more detail because stats aren't the only thing that differentiate these pokémon.
    Note: (Credits to sumwun for mentioning this). I mentioned Nidoking/queen because most people consider them gender counterparts even though they are different species.
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The 2 Nidorans are technically different species.
Yeah.  Technically, but I thought it was worth mentioning anyway.  They just evolve differently based on gender.  Just like Gardevoir and Gallade.
Male Kirlia and female Kirlia are the same species with the same Pokedex number. Male Nidoran and female Nidoran are different species with different Pokedex numbers. Saying male Nidoran and female Nidoran evolve differently based on gender is like saying Tyrogue and Petilil evolve differently based on gender.
Yeah.  True.  I just felt it was necessary to include Nidoking/queen in the answer because most people associate them as different genders.  If it is necessary, I will change my answer accordingly though.  I only put those two sets in because most people associate them as gender counterparts even though they are different species.
Notably, the Nidorans are indisputably linked in that if a Nidoran-F makes an egg, the egg could be another Nidoran-F or it could shift species to become Nidoran-M, completely at random. The same is true with Volbeat and Illumise.