PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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For example, Salandit is mostly male, but then when it evolves into Salazzle, it’s only female.

Are there anymore Pokémon like this? If so, what Pokémon?


1 Answer

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Best answer

Azurill changes from a 25/75 ratio to a 50/50 ratio when evolving into Marill.

Burmy goes from a 50/50 ratio to either 100/0 or 0/100 upon evolution (Mothim and Wormadam respectively)

Kirlia goes from a 50/50 ratio to 100/0 upon evolution (Gallade)

Combee goes from a 87.5/12.5 ration to 0/100 upon evolution (Vespiquen)

Snorunt goes from a 50/50 ratio to 0/100 upon evolution (Froslass)

Salandit goes from a 87.5/12.5 ration to 0/100 upon evolution (Salazzle)

All except Azurill must be the gender that the ratio favours upon evolution. For instance, a male Combee can never become Vespiquen.


Hope I helped!

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