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An example would be that Charizard can't learn fly in red and blue, but it can in Yellow. What other Pokemon have differing TM, HM, and level up movepools in Yellow compared to Red and Blue?

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After looking at all Gen 1 movesets, these are all the moveset changes that I could find.

-Charizard: Gains Fly in Yellow
-Metapod: Learns Harden a second time at level 7 in Yellow
-Butterfree: Gains Gust at level 28 and gets access to Flash in Yellow
-Pikachu: Learns Tail Whip at level 6, learns Thunder wave at level 8 instead of 9, Quick Attack at level 11 instead of 16, gets Double Team at level 15, gains Slam at level 20, gains Thunderbolt at level 26, learns Thunder at level 41 instead of 43, and gains Light Screen at level 50 (Yellow)
-Nidoran♀: Double Kick is learned at level 12 instead of 43, Poison Sting at level 17 instead of 14, Tail Whip at level 23 instead of 21, Bite at level 30 instead of 29, and Fury Swipes at level 38 instead of 36 (Yellow)
-Nidorina: Double Kick is learned at level 12 instead of 50, Poison Sting at level 19 instead of 14, Tail Whip at level 27 instead of 23, Bite at level 36 instead of 32, and Fury Swipes at level 46 instead of 41 (Yellow)
-Nidoqueen: Gains Double Kick at level 12 and loses Poison Sting at level 14 in Yellow
-Nidoran♂: learns Double Kick at level 12 instead of 43, Poison Sting at 17 instead of 14, Focus Energy at 23 instead of 21, Fury Attack at 30 instead of 29, and Horn Drill at 38 instead of 36 (Yellow)
-Nidorino: learns Double Kick at level 12 instead of 50, Poison Sting at 19 instead of 14, Focus Energy at 27 instead of 23, Fury Attack at 36 instead of 22, and Horn Drill at 46 instead of 41 (Yellow)
-Nidoking: Gains Double Kick at level 12 and loses Poison Sting at level 14 in Yellow
-Venonat: Gains Supersonic at level 11, Confusion at level 19, and Flash in Yellow
-Venomoth: Loses the level 1 Leech Life and Poison Powder and gains level 1 Confusion and Supersonic, learns Poison Powder at level 22 instead of 24, and gets Flash (Yellow)
-Diglett: Gains Cut in Yellow
-Dugtrio: Gains Cut in Yellow
-Mankey: Gains Low Kick at level 9 and Screech at level 45 in Yellow
-Primeape: Gains Low Kick at levels 1 and 9 and gains Screech at level 45 in Yellow
-Kadabra: Loses level 1 Confusion in Yellow
-Alakazam: Loses level 1 Confusion in Yellow
-Cubone: Learns Bone Club at level 10 instead of 1, gains Tail Whip at level 13, and gains Headbutt at level 18 (Yellow)
-Marowak: Level 1 Focus Energy is replaced with Level 1 Tail Whip, Loses level 1 Growl and Leer for Bone Club at level 10 and Tail Whip at level 13, and Gains Headbutt at level 18 (Yellow)
-Rhyhorn: Gains Fury Attack, Stomp, and Tail Whip at level 1 in Yellow
-Rhydon: Loses level 1 Fury Attack, Stomp, and Tail Whip in Yellow
-Chansey: Gains Tail Whip at level 1 and learns Double Slap at level 12 instead of 1 (Yellow)
-Tangela: Gains Vine Whip at level 29, learns Bind at level 24 instead of 1, Absorb at level 27 instead of 29, and Growth at level 48 instead of 49 (All in Yellow)
-Scyther: Gains Wing Attack at level 50 in Yellow
-Pinsir: Gains Bind at level 21 in Yellow
-Gyarados: Loses level 1 Bite, Dragon Rage, Hydro Pump, and Leer, and gains level 1 Tackle (Yellow)
-Eevee: Gains Growl at level 16 and Focus Energy at level 36, learns Tail Whip at level 1 instead of 31, learns Sand Attack at level 8 instead of level 1, Quick Attack at level 23 instead of 27, Bite at level 30 instead of 37, and Take Down at level 42 instead of 45 (Yellow)
-Vaporeon: Gains Aurora Beam at level 36, learns Tail Whip at level 1 instead of 37, Sand Attack at level 8 instead of 1, Water Gun at level 16 instead of 31, Quick Attack at level 23 instead of 27, Bite at level 30 instead of 40, Haze and Mist at level 42 instead of 44 and 48, Acid Armor at level 47 instead of 42, and Hydro Pump at level 52 instead of 54 (Yellow)
-Jolteon: Learns Tail Whip at level 1 instead of 37, Sand Attack at level 8 instead of 1, Thunder Shock at level 16 instead of 31, Quick Attack at level 23 instead of 27, Double Kick at level 30 instead of 42, Pin Missile at level 36 instead of 48, Thunder Wave at level 42 instead of 40, Agility at level 47 instead of 44, and Thunder at level 52 instead of 54 (Yellow)
-Flareon: Loses Rage and gains Smog at level 42, learns Tail Whip at level 1 instead of 37, Sand Attack at level 8 instead of 1, Ember at level 16 instead of 31, Quick Attack at level 23 instead of 27, Bite at level 30 instead of 40, Fire Spin at level 36 instead of 44, Leer at 47 instead of 42, and Flamethrower at level 52 instead of 54 (Yellow)
-Kabutops: Gains Cut in Yellow
-Mewtwo: Can't learn Pay Day (Yellow)

Hope this helped.

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