PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
8 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

It is helpful to note that these games were released prior to the Gen 4 physical-special split. Every Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice and Dragon move is Special, and all others are Physical in these games.

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34 Answers

7 votes


Charmander as starter: Charizard, Dugtrio, Snorlax, Exeggutor, Fearow, Lapras

- Flamethrower
- Fire Spin
- Slash
- Earthquake

Your starter. While it needs some assistance against Brock and probably Misty (unless you grind like I do), it is still a powerful Pokemon, easily taking down Erika and using its powerful neutral hits against the other Gym Leaders. Flamethrower is your main STAB attack. While it isn't as powerful as Fire Blast, it has more PP, making it more useful for ingame. Fire Spin can just wear the opponent down to a point where you can easily KO them. It's a very deadly move in RBY. Slash gets that great critical hit chance, and is very helpful against Water type foes. Earthquake has high base power and is used to break through Rock types who resist Flamethrower and Slash.

- Earthquake
- Slash
- Rock Slide
- Cut

At the time you get Dugtrio, it might very well be a higher level than your starter Pokemon. It wasn't that case for me, but I grind. You also get it right as you are about to face the Electric Gym Leader, so it just gives you a huge advantage. It helps out against Lt. Surge, Koga, Blaine, and Agatha. Earthquake is STAB. Slash is for crits. With its high Speed stat, you'll be critting all the time. Rock Slide is coverage against Flying types. Cut is an HM. It has a small movepool, so you don't lose anything by using Cut.

- Strength
- Hyper Beam
- Surf
- Blizzard

Feel free to use Tauros or Chansey if you get them. Chances are, you won't get them. Snorlax comes at a nice level and is incredibly powerful in its own right. Strength is an HM and gets STAB. It only has 5 less base power than Body Slam, which is the most powerful non-recoil more than 5 PP STAB attack Snorlax gets. Hyper Beam can take down pretty much any foe. Use it to KO. Surf is an HM that takes down Rock types. Blizzard is just additional coverage. I only used it against Lance though.

- Psychic
- Mega Drain
- Sleep Powder
- Egg Bomb

I used Alakazam on my latest ingame team, but since some people won't have access to trading, I replaced it here with Exeggutor. Giovanni, Bruno, and Agatha fall easily to Exeggutor. Psychic and Mega Drain are STAB. Sleep Powder puts foes to sleep, making them easier to beat or to catch depending on the situation. Egg Bomb is just an attack. Sparse movepool and all.

- Hyper Beam
- Drill Peck
- Fly
- Mimic
-While not as good as Dodrio, it gets a massive level advantage due to being obtained so early on. Hyper Beam and Drill Peck are STAB. Fly is a very useful HM. Mimic can be used to nab something neat.

enter image description here
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Psychic

Helpful against Blaine, Giovanni, and Lance. Surf and Ice Beam are STAB while Thunderbolt and Psychic are coverage.

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Really like that Mimic on Fearow. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't do that myself. Overall, an amazing team. Good job!
The Mimic on Fearow is a great option. I never think of utilizing Mimic on my teams. When I tried it out, it worked really well
This is a great team, but i use nidoking instead of dugtrio. He has better type coverage and higher base stats. Also you get lapras at a really low level so hes kind of hard to level up.
Moveset I use on nidoking
-horndrill (if your down to take a chance

also im pretty sure theres only one tm for psychic and therefore both lapras and exeggutor cant learn the move at the same time in generation 1. you can replace it for psybeam on lapras.
trachy, Exeggutor can learn psychic naturally, and lapras may be able to use the psywave or psychic TM, im unsure as for lapras, due to the crazy amount of moves it can learn.
dugtrio can't learn cut in red or blue
Yep: Dugtrio only learns Cut in Yellow. So for Red Blue, you’ll have to use something else for Cut.

Charizard can learn Cut instead of Fire Spin, probably the best option as it already has Flamethrower. Also means that the team stays the same.

In addition, both Lapras and Exeggutor cannot learn Psychic. Probably better off teaching it to Exeggutor (as it's STAB), and replacing it on Lapras with something else. Contrary to other suggestions, I would give Lapras Body Slam instead of Psychic, as it learns it naturally at L25 & gives it something to whack low-defense Psychic types with. "Normal" is effectively a coverage type against Psychics in Gen 1, given that they all have low defense (besides Slowbro which has Electric/Grass weakness), Ghost typing is broken, Dark doesn't exist, and Bug moves suck.

For Charmander start:

Levelling it to 16 before Brock & using Ember is best (even though his Rock types resist Fire, they have low Special), & learning Mega Punch from Mt Moon can help with Misty. Should be easy enough from there once the team has Fearow/Dugtrio, besides the grind required to level up Lapras/Exeggutor/Snorlax ('slow XP' levelling rate sucks...).

For tips on how to level Lapras, check out 'my' team answer. ;)
4 votes

This is for Yellow.

- Fire Blast
- Fly
- Strength
- Cut

Charizard is a starter HM slave that can also attack.

- Drill Peck
- Tri Attack
- Hyper Beam
- Agility

Dodrio is a Physical Sweeper, probably the only Pokemon that can use Tri Attack well enough, and has access to Drill Peck. Agility + Hyper Beam is a great combo that can OHKO opponent's team.

- Amnesia
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Snorlax is a Special tank, thanks to his great special movepool and the fact that Amnesia doubles / triples / quadruples its Special. Surf can be used to kill Ground/Rock types, like Graveler and Rhydon.

- Submission
- Hyper Beam
- Seismic Toss
- Dig

Machamp is a physical tank that uses Dig to escape from caves.

- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Body Slam
- Substitute

Rhydon is a physical tank with awesome attacks + STAB, and it may also paralyze the foe behind Substitute.

- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Pin Missile
- Double Kick

Jolteon is a special sweeper, and thanks to its speed, it can paralyze opponent's whole team and raise critical chance of its attacks.

- You can get Machamp and Rhydon via in-game trades
- Hyper Beam doesn't need recharge if you KO an opponent's Pokemon with it
- I didn't add any Psychic type Pokemon since they are too overpowered

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I agree good call with no psychics i thought the same thing
charizard only gets fly in yellow, and why no gyarados?  Also, jolteon also needs a tm to get thunderbolt.
@spindash it is said on the top of the team that this team is for yellow, therefore the team is only meant to be played in yellow. Also, you get the TM for Thunderbolt after defeating Lt. Surge.
Yes, but it's the same as with using legendaries. Some people don't like them cause it makes the game a little bit to easy, and some people like them because it makes the game easy. And in Gen 1 Psychic types are literally legendaries.
Both snor;ax and Jolteon learn t-blot thru TM and there is only 1 T-bolt tm
This is a good team for Yellow. The only issue I found is that 2 Pokémon have Thunderbolt and need a TM to gain access to it, however you only get access to 1, which is after beating the Vermilion Gym. This is a huge problem with Gym TMs. You only get access to one of each TM when you win a Gym Battle
To address the 'lack of 2 Thunderbolt TM's' alluded to in multiple comments here:

Jolteon 'should' be learning T-Bolt on this team, leaving Snorlax to find other options for Water coverage (as Ice already hits Flying types). These include Thunder (higher damage but lower accuracy) or Solar Beam (requires a turn to charge before firing). Both of these TM’s are a bit tricky to find (Power Plant/Pokémon Mansion), so STAB Headbutt/Body Slam should tie Snorlax over until then.
4 votes

Here is an 'overpowered & easy going’ team for RBY.

The idea behind the team is to complete the game with minimal fuss, using no glitches & as little grinding as possible (and not just 1 overlevelled Pokemon buffed to the brink with 'X items', like the cool speedrunners do).

Yes, this team includes Legendaries (2/3 of the birds). This is intentional: it means that only 3 Pokemon are required for the vast majority of the game (Grass/Ground/Psychic trio), allowing the team to stay ahead of the competition in levels, and collectively be L50-60 by the Elite 4 … ‘without’ any last minute grinding. That said, alternatives to Legendaries are provided (with movesets + alt team in 1st comment).

The 'Yellow team' also recommends ditching Pikachu at level 15-20, after reaching enough 'happiness' to obtain Bulbasaur. Sorry Pikachu....

1. Starter - Venusaur

Tackle > Cut (HM 01, SS Anne)
Growl > Body Slam (TM 08, SS Anne)
Leech Seed > Sleep Powder
Vine Whip (level 13) > Razor Leaf

Bulbasaur does well in the first 4 gyms (Brock, Misty, Surge, Erica), and against rock/ground/water types. It struggles a bit against birds, ghosts & Charmander (in RB), and despises Zubat … at least until it gets Body Slam.

Tip: Delay evolving Bulbasaur (by pressing B during evolution animation) until L41, to gain access to Sleep Powder ASAP.

If you're playing Blue or Yellow: Bulbasaur can be replaced with Bellsprout (R24), with the same final moveset. It will initially require some help to level: start & switch into Nidoking vs R24 trainers if necessary, use Bell+Nidoking for Misty Gym. Bell also requires a Leaf Stone to fully evolve, which can be purchased from Celadon (wait until L38 for Razor Leaf).

Compared to Venusaur: 'Bell receives Sleep Powder a lot earlier (level 18) and has better Attack, but is less bulky & has delayed Physical moves (Growth > Cut after SS Anne, then Wrap at 13 > Acid at 29 > Body Slam TM as Victreebell).

Regarding Pikachu:

Technically this is 'the Yellow starter', however it has several drawbacks: It's useless against Brock, it doesn't evolve, and is completely overshadowed by other electric types (especially Zapdos). I recommend only battling with Pikachu until ~level 15-20 to obtain Bulbasaur in Celadon (requires ~18 level ups and/or item uses to get happiness from 90 to 146, e.g. 'L15 + 8 potion uses). Thereafter, it is only useful as a Thunder Wave/Flash HM slave.

2. Nidoking

Leer > Thrash > Earthquake (TM 26, Silph Co.)
Tackle > Water Gun (Yellow, TM 12, Mt Moon) > Ice Beam (TM 13, Celadon Dept. Store, ‘rooftop drink girl’)
Horn Attack > Strength (HM 04, Fuchsia City)
Water Gun (RB, TM 12, Mt Moon)/Double Kick (Yellow, level 12) > BubbleBeam (TM 11, Misty) > Surf (HM 03, Safari Zone).

The iconic Gen 1 jack-of-all-trades, favoured by Yellow speedrunners. Nidoran (male) is available on R22, and is more difficult to find in Blue compared to Red/Yellow.

Nidoran should be trained to L8 (for Horn Attack) for the R22 Rival fight, and to L12 before Brock in Yellow (for Double Kick). In RB, instead of Double Kick, Water Gun (TM from Mt Moon) should be taught to Nidorino at level 16 (and instead of Tackle in Yellow).

The Moon Stone found in Mt Moon 1F should be used to evolve Nidorino ASAP ('definitely' before L23 for Thrash). Nidoking should steamroll most opposition with its’ mix of Physical & Special moves, and only really has to worry about Water/Ice/Psychic/Ground types that outspeed it and/or are bulky enough to survive being OHKO’d.

3. Hypno

Move 1: Pound > Headbutt
Move 2: Hypnosis
Move 3: Disable > Confusion
Move 4: Mega Punch (TM 01, Mt Moon) > Psychic (learnt naturally at level 37 or TM 29, Saffron City)

Alakazam typically gets the glory when it comes to RBY Psychic types (due to high Speed+Special), but there are a number of reasons why Hypno is effectively as good as Alakazam for the Kanto region, if not better:

  • Hypno has a Sleep move, and is bulky enough to survive a few hits in the event that it misses,

  • Hypno comes with decent Attack & Headbutt, which combined with Psychic typing, makes it a great counter to other Psychic types (such as Alakazam!),

  • Hypno is uniquely suited for catching the Legendary birds, as it can put them to sleep and survive a few hits before requiring Health potions.

Hypno's (small) drawbacks are: average Speed, 'only' Normal/Psychic coverage, and that it takes a bit of training to get going. To help with the latter:

  • After reaching Vermillion, head to R11 & catch a Drowzee as high a level as possible (level 13/15 in RB, level 17/19 in Yellow).
  • Teach it TM Mega Punch,
  • Hypnosis/Punch some Digletts until level 19-20 (Confusion at level 17 helps), and then continue on to R11/SS Anne from there.

For the 3rd moveslot: I prefer Confusion for Hypno on this team, as it helps to preserve Psychic PP. An argument can be made for Reflect (TM 33, Celadon Dept. Store), but its' use is limited.

Also, to free up item space, give Hypno all of your vitamins (e.g Carbos, PP up into Psychic), as it can use ‘everything’ well.

The remaining 3 Pokemon slots are occupied by Legendaries (yes, I know) and/or HM slaves.

4: Articuno

Move 1: Peck
Move 2: Ice Beam
Move 3: Blizzard
Move 4: Fly (HM 02, secret house NW of Celadon)

Articuno has two jobs: Fly HM slave, and annihilate Lance’s dragons. It starts at L50 and learns Blizzard at L51 or from a TM, meaning that Articuno can in theory avoid combat completely until Lance (it can of course fight if necessary).

Before obtaining Articuno, several other birds will suffice as Fly HM slaves (e.g. Pidgey).

If you wish to avoid using Articuno, Dewgong (trade L34 Ponyta at Cinnabar) or Lapras serve as nice alternatives. Traded Dewgong (or Seel in RB) gets bonus xp which is nice, while Lapras requires some grinding at Pokémon Mansion/Victory Road to get it to ~L50.

5: Zapdos

Move 1: Thundershock
Move 2: Drill Peck
Move 3: Thunderbolt (TM 24, Surge)
Move 4: Thunder Wave (TM 45, Route 24)

Zapdos only really has 1 job: Nail water types, particularly those belonging to Lorelei. It has no level dependent moves, meaning that it can in theory avoid combat completely until Lorelei (it can of course fight if necessary).

Before obtaining Zapdos, this Pokemon slot should be occupied by Abra (R24 in RB, R5 in Yellow), who operates as a Teleport/Flash HM slave.

If you wish to avoid using Zapdos, Jolteon or Electrode serve as nice alternatives (might require some grinding at Seafoam/Mansion to get to ~L50).

6. Diglett (or ‘generic HM slave’)

Catch a L19-22 Diglett in Diglett’s Cave, and you’ve got a Dig slave (no need for Escape Ropes). If said Diglett tries to use Dig on you, switch to a flier (e.g. Pidgey) to negate all damage, before resuming attempting to catch it.

If you've avoided using Articuno & Zapdos, then a Fly HM slave will be needed here. Alternatively, if you’re playing Yellow with the Birds & feel guilty leaving Pikachu behind, I guess it can occupy slot no. 6 as ‘team mascot’.

Finally, here is a list of major objectives in the recommended order of completion, as well as the Pokemon recommended to tackle them:

  1. R22 Rival Fight: Bulbasaur/Nidoran in RB, Pikachu/Nidoran in Yellow. All Pokemon should be at least level 8 before the fight.

  2. Brock Gym: Bulbasaur in RB, Nidoran in Yellow. Use both Nidoran & Pikachu/Bulbasaur for Mt. Moon, & pick up TM12 (Water Gun) + TM01 (Mega Punch) + Moon Stone. Teach Water Gun (but not Mega Punch) to Nidorino & evolve it ASAP (before 23). See Venusaur section for 'Pikachu happiness' tips.

  3. Misty Gym: Bulbasaur (delay evolution until level 41!). Alternatively for B/Y, grab a Bellsprout in place of Bulbasaur (see ‘Venusaur’ section for tips). Teach BubbleBeam to Nidoking, grab an Abra for Teleport/Flash. Nidoking should steamroll the Rival fight.

  4. SS Anne: Bulbasaur/Drowzee. Train up Drowzee with Mega Punch in Diglett’s cave before heading to the rest of R11/SS Anne. Grab TM08 (Body Slam) and Cut, teach both to Bulbasaur.

  5. Surge Gym: Nidoking. Thrash is silly. Switch to Bulbasaur if confused. Grab Flash after heading through Diglett’s cave, teach to Abra/Pikachu.

  6. Erica Gym: Bulbasaur/Nidoking/Hypno i.e. ‘the trio’. Grab Ice Beam from Celadon Dept. Store & teach to Nidoking. Grab Fly & teach to 'a bird'.

  7. Celadon Rocket Lair: The trio. Grab Psychic TM from Saffron & teach to Hypno if you can't wait until level 37.

  8. Lavender Tower: Nidoking/Hypno.

  9. Bicycle Path + R12-15 to Fushcia: The Trio. May as well do both routes for extra xp. Bulbasaur should have Sleep Powder by the end, & evolved into Ivysaur (L41) then Venusaur (L42).

  10. Safari/Koga Gym: Nidoking/Hypno. Teach Surf/Strength to Nidoking.

  11. Saffron Fighting ‘Gym’: . Hypno.

  12. Silph Co. : The trio. Key is on 5F (anticlockwise around main corridor from lift), Rival accessed from central room on 3F. Grab Earthquake TM from 10F & teach to Nidoking.

  13. Sabrina Gym: The trio for gym trainers, Hypno for Sabrina. Use Hypnosis/Sleep Powder if Recover gets annoying.

  14. Southern Water Routes to Seafoam and Cinnabar: The trio.

  15. Pokemon Mansion & Blaine Gym: Nidoking/Hypno.

  16. Seafoam Islands: The trio. Use Hypnosis for Articuno capture, teach it HM Fly.

  17. Power Plant: The trio. Use Hypnosis for Zapdos capture, teach it TM T-Bolt & T-Wave.

  18. Giovanni Gym: Solo'ing the gym using all 4 of Nidoking's moves is fun...

  19. Victory Road: The trio. Use Hypnosis for Moltres capture. After that: Elite Four time! Use Sleep Powder/Hypnosis if necessary.

  20. Lorelei: Venusaur/Zapdos.

  21. Bruno: Nidoking.

  22. Agatha: Hypno.

  23. Lance: Zapdos opener for Gyarados, Articuno/Nidoking for the rest.

  24. Final Rival Fight: Zapdos open in Red/Blue, Venusaur open in Yellow. Zapdos > Pidgeot, Hypno > Alakazam, Venusaur > Rhydon/Sandslash, Nidoking > ‘Fire’ & 'Electric', Articuno/Hypno > ‘Grass’, Zapdos/Venusaur > ‘Water’.

Well, after a billion edits (sorry admins, 12000 character limit is tricky!), I think I’m finally happy with the overall team/guide.

As a final point: The “ ‘Grass/Ground/Psychic trio’ + ‘HM Slave’ + ‘Electric+Ice Birb’ team", is a pretty reliable way to complete RBY.

Here’s a list of Pokemon that IMO could make good fits for such a team:

Grass: Venusaur, Victreebel (B/Y), Vileplume (R), Exeggutor (requires grinding).

Ground: Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Dugtrio, Sandslash (B/Y), Golem, Rhydon (requires grinding). Charizard/Blastoise & Primeape (Yellow only) can fake it as 'Ground types' by learning Dig and/or Earthquake.

Psychic: Alakazam, Hypno, Jynx (RB trade in Celadon, Y requires grinding), Starmie (requires grinding). Clefable can fake it as a Psychic type (at least once she gets the TM). I wouldn't bother with Slowbro, as it's found late + has abysmal speed.

HM Slave: Spearow/Pidgey (Fly), Oddish/Bellsprout (Cut), Diglett (Dig), Farfetch’d (Cut/Fly), Tentacool (Cut/Surf), Lapras/Snorlax (Strength/Surf), Abra (Teleport/Flash), Pikachu (Flash). Alternatively, Charizard (Cut/Dig/Fly in Yellow), Blastoise (Strength/Surf/Dig) or Fearow (Fly with decent early/mid game) can slot in here as a full-fledged 4th member of the team.

Aaand that's it. Hope this helps someone!

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Aaand for a final final point (yeah I know lol):

An explanation behind RBY moveset choices and the 'Grass/Ground/Psychic' trio can be found here:


But for now, here are some movesets & extended descriptions for the Pokemon mentioned throughout the post, that I didn't get to fit in because "12000 character limit":



Vileplume (Red/Yellow): Petal Dance, Body Slam (TM), Cut (HM)/Mega Drain (TM), Sleep Powder. Found on R24, Oddish is slower & trickier to get going than Bulbasaur/Bellsprout (it starts with only Absorb … yay?), but eventually becomes a solid Pokemon. Run Oddish as a consistent lead as soon as you catch it, with lots of bait & switch to start with. Hikers/Misty/SS Anne/Rock Tunnel/Digletts are generally safe xp (a lot of early Kanto is kind to Grass types, lol). Highly recommend delaying all evolutions until L33 for early Acid + Petal Dance (can potentially have a L33 Vileplume with all of its' moves just after reaching Celadon). Petal Dance is basically ‘Grass-type Thrash’, and the Confusion can be avoided by switching out once the move has finished.

Exeggutor: Mega Drain (TM), Psychic (TM), Hypnosis/Sleep Powder (L48 as Exeggcute only), Egg Bomb (TM). Found in the Safari Zone as Exeggcute. Best to combo with Alakazam or Hypno (as they learn Psychic naturally, saving the TM), unless you wish to replace the ‘Psychic type’ with something else (e.g. Snorlax with all manner of move combinations). Give it TM's straight away, and unless you’re willing to wait until L48 for Sleep Powder, give it a Leaf Stone to evolve it. Enjoy the grind!



Nidoqueen: Same as Nidoking, replace Thrash during levelling with Body Slam. If another Pokémon would make better use of the Ice Beam TM, it can be replaced with the Rock Slide TM for Flying coverage.

Dugtrio: Dig, Earthquake, Slash, Rock Slide (TM)/Cut (Y). Diglett’s big brother, found rarely in their cave. Slash does comparable damage to Rock Slide even against Ice/Flying types, so it can be replaced with Cut in Yellow if necessary. ‘Definitely’ easier to catch when put to Sleep, and is amazing once you have it. Good luck!

Sandslash (B/Y): Earthquake (TM), Slash, Rock Slide (TM)/Cut, Dig (TM)/Strength (HM). Basically a slower (but harder hitting) Dugtrio, available at a lower level around Cerulean.

Golem: Earthquake, Rock Slide (TM), Strength (HM), Explosion. Available nice and early in Mt Moon and starts out great (high Attack/Defense, resists Normal/Flying/Poison/Fire/Electric moves, gets STAB Rock Throw/Earthquake naturally and relatively early), but falls off as the game goes on (most enemies by the end are either Special attackers or have Ground/Fighting moves if they’re physical attackers). Keep it clear of Water/Grass types. I wouldn’t bother with Graveller if you can’t trade.

Rhydon: Earthquake (TM), Rock Slide (TM), Strength (HM), Horn Drill/Surf (HM). Basically a better version of Golem but not available until quite late in the game (Safari Zone only, though at least it doesn't require trading!). TM it up & enjoy the grind. Watch out for Water/Grass types.

Charizard: Slash, Flamethrower/Fly (Y), Earthquake (TM)/Dig (TM), Cut (HM). In Red/Blue: Recommend evolving to Charmeleon before Brock (at least it’s good at frying Viridian Forest bugs…), and use Ember vs. Rock & Ground types (they resist Fire but also have crap Special) plus Mega Punch to help with Misty if necessary. In Yellow, Charmeleon arrives on R24 just in time to fry some grass types. It shouldn’t have evolved into Charizard for Surge (ie ‘not flying’) and so shouldn’t have troubles there with Dig. Fire & Flying damage hit almost exactly the same types (part of the reason why Fire typing in RBY is unfortunately mediocre!), and Charizard’s Attack/Special are around the same, so Flamethrower/Fly are interchangeable.

Blastoise: Surf (HM), Strength (HM), Earthquake (TM)/Dig (TM), Ice Beam (TM). Basically the same moveset as Nidoking, with STAB on Surf instead of Earthquake. A safe and solid all-rounder, but doesn’t offer anything unique over other Water Pokémon (other than being ‘the starter’). That being said, I probably wouldn't bother with Blastoise in Yellow as it arrives pretty late (in Vermillion), unless you ‘really’ want a Water type (shouldn’t have issues levelling up in Diglett’s cave/Rock Tunnel at least). So long as Raichu doesn’t Crit T-Bolt you, it should die to Dig.

Primeape (Yellow): Karate Chop (L15), Submission (TM), Dig (TM), Rock Slide (TM). Fighting types are pretty janky in Kanto; their best move (Submission) comes with recoil and an 80% hit rate, and the place is generally littered with Special attackers, Birds & Poison types. However! In Yellow, Mankey aka 'the pig-faced glass cannon' is available on Route 22 right at the start, and learns Low Kick at level 9. This makes it 1 of 3 Pokemon available that can handily take out Brock; the other two being Nidoran with Double Kick, & Butterfree with Confusion (after that, your next option is the mighty Pidgey spamming the crap out of Sand Attack…). After learning the ‘100 Base power Normal type with crits’ Karate Chop at level 15, Mankey can learn Dig after defeating Misty (and roleplay as 'the Ground type'), can evolve before Surge, and gets Rock Slide & Submission in Celadon. Overall, Primeape is an early/mid game powerhouse that ends up as a somewhat frail but still respectable physical attacker & 'Ground type', with enough Attack/Speed to threaten any Elite 4 member that isn't Lance.



Alakazam: Psychic, Reflect, Recover/Confusion (potions exist, Confusion might be more useful), Thunder Wave (TM). Requires Magikarp-style bait & switch to level up to 16 and get Confusion, but once it evolves, and then evolves again from trading, L16 Alakazam is a monster. If you’re unable to trade, Kadabra is a slightly weaker alternative, but is still pretty damn strong.

Jynx (RB): Lovely Kiss, Ice Punch (L31), Psychic (TM), Body Slam (L39). Get Super Rod ASAP (Rocket Hideout > Tower), fish L23 Poliwhirl from the middle of Celadon & trade at Cerulean. Teach Psychic TM straight away & power through some levels in Erica's gym. Like Alakazam, Jynx is frail, but speedy & hits like a truck.

Starmie: Surf (HM), Psychic (TM), Ice Beam/Blizzard (TM), Thunder Wave/Thunderbolt (TM). One of the most versatile Special attackers in the game, ‘if’ you have the TM’s available. Grab a L30 Staryu from Seafoam 1F and Water Stone/TM it up. Be weary that T-Bolt is normally reserved for Zapdos, in which case it will have to make do with Thunder at L51.

Clefable: Found in Mt Moon (bottom level for best chance), Clefable is primarily a bulky Special Attacker with STAB Normal physical moves. Its' natural movepool is woeful, but it can be evolved almost straight away & learn just about 'anything' from TM's (I’d start with the rather convenient Mega Punch & Water Gun!). Roleplaying as 'the Psychic type', I would recommend: Psychic (TM), Ice Beam (TM), Strength (HM), Sing (similar move profile to Jynx). Arguments can be made for a host of other moves including Body Slam,  Bubblebeam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Hyper Beam & Fire Blast.


" 'Ice Bird' Alternative"

Lapras: Surf (HM), Blizzard (TM), Ice Beam (L38)/Strength (HM), Body Slam (L25)/Psychic (TM)/Double Team (TM, setup on Lance's Gyarados for the lols). Head to Silph tower to obtain it. Starts at a crappy L15, but it can learn Surf (HM) off the bat, and learns Sing at level 16 to help 1v1 opponents as it levels up. If you rush straight to it (5F for key, 3F for teleporter, then rival fight), and then proceed to clear the rest of the tower with a little bait & switch to start (medic on 9F helps a lot too!), Lapras should be able to 1v1 a lot of the Poison pokemon soon enough, and can potentially reach level 30 something and solo Jesse/James/Giovanni once the rest of the tower has been cleared (it’s rather poetic freeing Silph Co. from their captors using 'the Pokemon that they gave you' ...). I personally suggest running 'both' Ice moves for the Elite 4 (and perhaps even the cheeky Double Team), but the choice is yours. Enjoy the grind!

Dewgong: Surf (HM), Strength (HM)/Double Team (TM, setup on Lance's Gyarados for the lols), Aurora Beam (L35)/Ice Beam (TM), Blizzard (TM). Trade L34 Ponyta, teach it Surf/Blizzard & power through Blaine's gym with it (Seel will evolve & learn Aurora Beam after the first 'Butterfree' burglar, remember that Fire typing doesn't resist Ice in Gen 1!). Switch to something quicker if Fire Spin gets annoying.


" 'Electric Bird' Alternative"

Jolteon: Thunderbolt (TM), Thunder Wave (TM), Pin Missile, Double Kick. Grab Eevee from the back of Celadon mansion, evolve it via a Thunderstone from the Dept Store, then teach T-Bolt straight away & blast some Rocket Grunts. Quick Attack/Thundershock serve as filler moves whilst it levels up, Pin Missile for Grass coverage, Double Kick for Rock coverage.

Electrode: Thunderbolt (TM), Thunder Wave (TM), Swift, Explosion. Grab Surf when you can (Koga Gym + Safari Zone + Good/Super Rod + Poliwag/Tentacool from Pallet Town if you want a standalone Surf slave), then nab a L40 Voltorb or L43 Electrode from the Power Plant (use Sleep to prevent it from Self-Destructing while you try to catch it...). Thunderbolt is basically all that Electrode needs, though Swift can save PP against small opponents, and a quick Thunder Wave may help in defeating an otherwise speedy opponent (e.g. Alakazam). Can be trained straight away on the sea routes to Cinnabar/Seafoam, or on Route 23 just before Victory Road.


"Trained-Up HM Slave" (Charizard/Blastoise moves are mentioned above)

Fearow: Early/Mid game menace found on R22 with Peck/Fury Attack/L20 evolution/L34 Drill Peck, becomes an HM Fly & Hyper Beam bot Late game. Hard countered by Rock types (and is thus useless against Brock), but cleans up bug/grass/fighting types & is surprisingly good against ghosts/psychics. Final Moveset: Drill Peck, Fly (HM), Hyper Beam (TM), Double Edge (TM)/Mimic (TM, novelty move more than anything lol). Have fun spending $100,000+ on game coins & mashing buttons for ~10 minutes for that sweet, sweet TM15!


Putting it all together:

Complete 6-Man "everyone's-doing-their-bit + same type makeup but doesn't include cheapo legendaries + avoids grinding as much as possible" team.

Example 1: Pokemon Red only for something different.

Charizard/Blastoise (can do either as 'the Ground type')
Fearow (Trained-Up Fly HM Slave)
Vileplume (Grass)
Jynx (traded) (Psychic)
Dewgong (traded) (Articuno replacement)
Electrode (Zapdos replacement)

Example 2: Same as above but Pokémon Yellow only & with a bit of grinding required.

Primeape (the ‘Ground type’)
Clefable (the ‘Psychic type’)
Victreebel (Grass)
Jolteon (Zapdos replacement)
Lapras (Articuno replacement)
Dodrio (Trained Up Fly HM slave). Basically a better Fearow with exactly the same typing/moves, but not available until the top of R17/Cycling Road as ~L26 Doduo, just in time to give it Fly + visit Erica & the other Bikers' Fighting types.


Ooooook, think I'm done now. Enjoy the info people!
@The_Flying_Rodent102 You can use Pastebin/Google Docs, which is a better option than comments if your answer exceeds the character limit. I myself have used them in two of my long answers lol.
@Cristal Maybach Yeeeah probably should’ve done that , ah well. We made it work!
Yep, good job! It's a nice answer.
2 votes

This was my last Red team.

- Sleep Powder
- Razor Leaf
- Body Slam
- Cut

Probably the best Gen 1 starter. Used to beat Brock and Misty early in the game, and later deal with Giovanni.
It's also used for Cut.

- Fire Blast
- Flamethrower
- Dig
- Dragon Rage

This is the Fire type. It's good for Erika and you can get it right before her. It's also used for Dig to escape from caves. Dragon Rage is sort of a filler move.

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Psychic
- Recover

Starmie is your surfer and an amazing Pokemon in Gen 1. It has a great movepool, and Recover's there so you don't have to waste healing items. It's good against Koga, Blaine, Giovanni, Agatha, and Blue's Charizard.

- Fly
- Swift
- Mimic
- Quick Attack

Pidgeot is just for Fly. It's also kinda just a second Pokemon to use until you can get the rest of your Pokemon so you don't have to only use the starter. Its good for Erika and Bruno.

- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Strength
- Submission

Rhydon is for Strength and is just your main physical Pokemon. It's good for Koga and Blaine.

- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Pin Missile
- Double Kick

Jolteon is your Electric Pokemon. It's incredibly fast and therefore has a high critical hit ratio. It has a powerful Thunderbolt, and has Double Kick since most Ground types have the additional Rock typing. It'[s good against Lorelei.

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I don't want to bust your balls but in the long run, Squirtle is the best starter because he has the least weaknesses against the gym leaders and the elite four and Charizard is awesome.Venusaur?...Grass types are kinda bad because too many types resist them!
Great team
@ChewyDonuts, I don’t want to bust your balls either but squirtle is just a middling choice for a starter in red and blue. (Not counting yellow because you can get all three starters.) squirtle does good against Brock, goes even with misty gets electrified by L.T Surge, gets killed by mega drain and sleep powder on Erika’s vileplume, goes even with koga, goes even with Sabrina and crushed Giovanni and Blaine. That’s good and all but what about the elite four? Struggles a bit with Lorelei, can do pretty well against bruno,  goes even with Agatha and struggles hard with lance. With champion Gary he struggles against his gyrados and venusuar, he also struggles a bit with Gary’s alakazam. All in all it’s a good choice to pick but it’s not the best one. Bulbasaur dominates the first three gyms, is immune to all of Erika’s powder moves and resists vine whip, is immune to being poisoned by sludge and toxic. Minimize and self destruct could give bulbasaur some trouble. Bulbasaur struggles with Sabrina and Blaine but then goes very well with Giovanni. For the elite four Lorelei is a bit risky because of the ice moves but bulbasaur still handles her better than squritle. He can take on Bruno due to bulbasaur resisting every stab fighting move and taking out his onixes. He resists the poision type team that Agatha carries. Like every other starter,  bulbasaur struggles with lances dragon team, (unless you can toxic them). For Gary’s team bulbasaur struggles with charizard, alakazam and pidgeot. He does well against the exeggutor, gyrados and his ryhdon. All in all, bulbasaur just resists more of the gyms and preforms much better than squritle can.(EDIT: Jesus, im revisiting this 2 years later, and god dang, I wrote a lot.)

Not to mention that Venusaur gets Sleep Powder (L41 as Bulbasaur if you delay evolution) and Razor Leaf (L27 as Bulbasaur), which are both OP in Gen 1, and can be taught Body Slam from SS Anne TM for coverage. Charizard gets another flavour of 'Gen 1 OP' in Slash.

Blastoise meanwhile, can learn Ice Beam/Blizzard TM's which is nice, but so can a bunch of other, better Water types (e.g. Lapras, Starmie).

In later games, generally the Water starter is considered the best all round choice, but in Gen 1, Blastoise is generally considered the weakest out of the 3. Both due to the Gym layout, and the availability of certain 'OP moves' on Charizard/Venusaur which were rebalanced in later Gens.
2 votes

This team is for Yellow:
- Thunder
- Thunderbolt
- Body Slam
- Submission

Your starter. Thunder is when you can risk accuracy for power, Thunderbolt is for when you cannot, Body Slam has a good chance of paralysis and Submission is for those pesky Rock/Ground types.

- Fire Blast
- Flamethrower
- Fly
- Cut

Can be obtained on Route 25. Fire Blast is your most powerful STAB, with a decent 85% accuracy, and Flamethrower is fully accurate and has a great power of 95. Fly and Cut are HMs, but Fly isn't that bad.

- Hydro Pump
- Blizzard
- Strength
- Surf

Can be obtained at Vermillion City after defeating Lt. Surge. Requires a bit of grinding, but Diglett's Cave is easy training. Hydro Pump is your strongest move, but its accuracy is a bit shaky with 80%. Blizzard is extremely powerful, covers Grass types and has a high accuracy of 90%. Strength and Surf are actually useable HMs.

- Razor Leaf
- Sleep Powder / Toxic
- Mega Drain
- Leech Seed

Can be obtained in Cerulean City if Pikachu's friendship is high,, which can easily be accomplished by using Potions over and over again, even if Pikachu is at full health. Razor Leaf is powerful STAB since it scores a critical hit almost all the time. Sleep is always a useful tactic, but Toxic is deadly in combination with Leech Seed. Mega Drain is healing, good in combination with Leech Seed, and Leech Seed drains the foe's health and due to a glitch, it gets more powerful if the opponent is inflicted with toxic poison.

- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Thunderbolt
- Double Kick / Submission

Obtained on Route 22. You can fully evolve Nidoking before Misty at Mt. Moon, so this guy is going to be your powerhouse for a while. Earthquake is STAB and is very powerful, Rock Slide is coverage, same with Thunderbolt and for a Fighting move, it's your choice. I prefer Double Kick because Submission's low accuracy + recoil is pretty unreliable.

- Body Slam
- Thunder
- Psychic
- Rest

Obtained on both Route 12 and Route 16 as a required encounter. Body Slam is a powerful STAB move Snorlax learns by levelling up. Thunder is not accurate, but strong and Nidoking used your Thunderbolt TM. Psychic is a strong Psychic move which covers Snorlax's Fighting weakness. Rest is full healing, which works in combination with the Poké Flute.

Snorlax has low Special stats if you don't setup it with amnesia.
2 votes

I know it's long, but I think all the information is important. If you want to skip the spiel, I won't be offended.

After much painstaking thought and optimization, this is the team I have come up with, and I honestly don't think I can improve it (that is, without legendaries). This team can be used for either Red/Blue or Yellow. Just because Yellow offers all three starters doesn't mean you need to use them; I have Yellow and this is the team I plan to use. The overall defensive coverage is pretty ridiculous. I used teammagma.net's coverage calculator (which is still applicable to Gen 1 even though it is a Gen 6 calculator because the main difference is Ghost vs. Psychic, and there are no Ghost types on this team) and I am confident that there are no holes in this team defensively. Unfortunately, though, since Gen 1's move pools and TMs are so limited, moves used for coverage are few. If you have any suggestions to improve this team either defensively or offensively, I'm all ears because that would improve my personal team. Without further ado, let's get down to it.

- Fly / Wing Attack
- Flamethrower
- Fire Blast
- Slash / Earthquake

Your starter and your flyer if you have YELLOW. If you don't, I will explain an option for a Red/Blue flyer later in the list, as Charizard can't learn Fly in those games. Battling role: Mixed Sweeper

  • Fly / Wing Attack: Decent STAB. Fly if you have Yellow, Wing Attack if you do not
  • Flamethrower: High accuracy, high PP STAB
  • Fire Blast: High powered STAB if you're in a pinch, but low PP
  • Slash / Earthquake: Earthquake is good coverage but I'd save the TM for a Pokemon later in this list that can use it for STAB, so I'd go with Slash here

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Body Slam / Substitute
- Rest

Your surfer and anti-Dragon. Battling role: Special tank

  • Surf: STAB and surfing
  • Ice Beam: STAB/anti-Dragon
  • Body Slam: Powerful and chance to paralyze OR Substitute: This is kind of the *** version of this set. Use this and either attack or heal with Rest.
  • Rest: Its function is a tank, it should be able to heal and this pairs well with Substitute, if you use it right.

- Psychic
- Mega Drain / Solar Beam
- Egg Bomb / Cut
- Toxic / Leech Seed

Your Psychic type (every Gen 1 team needs one) and one of my all time favorite Pokemon. All I can say is if you use this against a Bug type, you have a hard head. Battling role: Hard-hitting crippler

  • Psychic: STAB
  • Mega Drain: STAB/heal OR Solar Beam: This is really only reliable with Sunny Day, so I would favor Mega Drain in Gen 1
  • Egg Bomb / Cut: Signature move/HM. I really hate to put Cut on this beast, but it might be necessary. I don't remember how long you need Cut for in Gen 1 but it's possible you could use a slave for Cut until this team is complete and then you won't need it anymore, but I'm not sure.
  • Toxic / Leech Seed: I said it's a crippler

- Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave
- Pin Missile
- Agility

Jolteon's incredible Speed and strong Special make it a force to be reckoned with in any scenario (except against Ground types). Remember, critical hits in Gen 1 were closely related to the Pokemon's Speed stat, so Jolteon is a great choice and by far the best Gen 1 evolution of Eevee. Battling role: Special Sweeper

  • Thunderbolt: STAB
  • Thunder Wave: Pretty standard for an Electric type, as powerful Electric moves are rare in gen 1.
  • Pin Missile: One of the few ways to combat overpowered Psychics without using a weak Bug type
  • Agility: Perhaps a tad redundant, but it makes you the undisputed fastest Pokemon in the game which is never a bad thing since critical hits in Gen 1 are based on Speed

- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Fissure / Horn Drill
- Thunder / Ice Beam / Dig

Not a whole lot to be said. Just watch out for Water types because its Special is abysmal and Water does 4x damage. Battling role: Hard-hitting physical tank

  • Earthquake: STAB
  • Rock Slide: STAB
  • Fissure / Horn Drill: Low accuracy OHKO, only use one of them. Oh yeah, and don't use this on a Substitute of a Pokemon that knows Counter. That would be bad seeing as it would do infinite damage to you if that Pokemon used Counter. ;)
  • Thunder / Ice Beam / Dig: Even though the first two are special attacks, I find them tempting to use for the coverage they provide. Thunder for unreliable coverage against Water, or Ice Beam for reliable coverage against Grass and Ground types, and it's great against Dragons, which is always nice. Lapras learns it by level up so you can teach it to both. And if you're against using a special move with Rhydon, go with Dig for STAB (and no need to watch out for Earthquake in gen 1).

- Seismic Toss
- Submission
- Hyper Beam
- Strength

Machamp is obtainable without trading between consoles because you can trade for a Machoke in-game, and it will evolve into Machamp as soon as you receive it. Battling role: physical tank/sweeper

  • Seismic Toss: Good for higher levels, as it does damage equal to your own level
  • Submission: High powered STAB with recoil
  • Hyper Beam: All Normal type attacks are physical so why not?
  • Strength: HM with decent power

IF YOU HAVE RED/BLUE: Dodrio is a suitable replacement for Machamp (as its purpose is a physical sweeper) that can learn Fly, unlike Charizard. Be warned, however, because if you use Dodrio you become slightly more susceptible to Rock and Ice (though you should still have more than enough coverage).

- Fly
- Drill Peck
- Tri Attack
- Body Slam / Take Down / Double-Edge

  • Fly: Obviously. And STAB
  • Drill Peck: One turn STAB
  • Tri Attack: Signature move and STAB
  • Body Slam / Take Down / Double-Edge: Body Slam is STAB if you didn't use the TM on Lapras. Take Down or Double-Edge (up to you) are also STAB if you did.

This took me a long time to plan out and come up with and then write, so any vote is appreciated. I hope this helps you and if you have anything that could improve it, please, don't hesitate to comment.

Looks like a nice team, but Exeggutor cannot learn Cut? Might me an idea to teach it to Charizard instead & replace Fire Blast (keep Flamethrower as it has extra PP).
1 vote

- Razor Leaf
- Sleep Powder
- Mega Drain
- Leech Seed

Razor Leaf has a high critical hit ratio and also gains STAB. Sleep Powder can lead to free attacks, swap-ins or recovery. Mega Drain (also STAB) and Leech Seed keep Venusaur healthy.

- Thunderbolt
- Swift
- Thunder Wave
- Submission

Thunderbolt gains STAB and has a chance to paralyse. Swift isn't very strong but always hits the opponent, which is quite useful. Thunder Wave can allow a free turn and slows the opponent down, and Submission is for coverage.

- Psychic
- Amnesia
- Recover
- Reflect

Psychic gains STAB and can lower the foes Special stat. Amnesia boosts Alakazam's Special, making it bulkier and much more deadly. Recover keeps Alakazam healthy and Reflect with Amnesia make Alakazam quite bulky. Kadabra is also viable if you can't trade.

- Fly
- Drill Peck
- Tri Attack
- Hyper Beam

Fly gains STAB and gets you around Kanto. Drill Peck also gains STAB, and takes only 1 turn to use. Tri Attack gains STAB and can paralyse, burn or freeze the foe. Hyper Beam does massive damage, but then you are left vulnerable for one turn.

- Body Slam
- Amnesia
- Rock Slide / Psychic / Fire Blast
- Earthquake

Body Slam gains STAB and can paralyse the opponent, which makes up for the speed that Snorlax lacks. Amnesia makes Snorlax even bulkier and Earthquake, Rock Slide, Psychic and Fire Blast are for coverage.

- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt

Ice Beam has a good freeze chance (30% in Gen 1) and gains STAB. Surf gains STAB and is needed for the story, and Psychic (chance to lower Special) and Thunderbolt (chance to paralyse) are for coverage.

edited by
1 vote

For an easy and very smooth run on Red/Blue:
Venusaur, Nidoking, Kadabra, Jolteon, Snorlax, Starmie.

This is probably the best team you can make in Gen 1 without using legendaries, and trading. Every HM is included except Fly because I feel It's not worth it and it's not necessary. If you really want a Pokemon with Fly for an in-game run, consider using Dodrio instead of Snorlax.

- Razor Leaf
- Sleep Powder
- Body Slam (TM)
- Cut (HM)

Since you don't have a lot of Pokemon when you begin, Bulbasaur is the perfect one to deal with the first two Gyms. It will destroy both Brock and Misty by spamming Vine Whip. It's a solid Grass type and will help you deal with Water, Ground and Rock types throughout the game.

- Strength (HM)
- Earthquake (TM)
- Blizzard (TM)
- Thunder (TM)

This is a Pokemon you get before the first Gym. I consider it to be the worst of the team, but it is so good in early game that it is a must-have on your team. It can evolve into Nidoking right after the first Gym with the Moon Stone you find in Cerulean Cave. Having a Pokemon fully evolved so early in the game is just pure gold. He will have no problem dealing with any Pokemon except those who have super-effective attacks against it. The only downside is that it won't learn the STAB Earthquake very early in the game and will have to rely on Thrash and Horn Attack instead.

- Psychic
- Flash (HM)
- Recover
- Thunder Wave (TM)

Everybody knows that Psychic Pokemon are overpowered in Gen 1, and Kadabra is no exception! Even if it's not fully evolved, Kadabra will destroy everything in it's path throughout the game. You can get an Abra before the second Gym and teach it Thunder Wave at the same time. This special attacker is very fast and powerful. Using Confusion/Psybeam/Psychic on Fighting and Poison Pokemon will OHKO them every time. Watch out for physical attacks against him; he's very frail.

- Pin Missile
- Double Kick
- Thunderbolt (TM)
- Thunder Wave

You can get an Eevee before the fourth Gym in Celadon City and evolve it into Jolteon with a Thunderstone from the department store in the same city. With the Thunderbolt TM you got from the third Gym, it's the perfect time to have your first Electric Pokemon. Jolteon is one of the fastest Pokemon in the game and its STAB Thunderbolt is very powerful. Any Water or Flying type has no chance against him. Don't forget that Pin Missile can do nice damage against Alakazam and Exeggutor (late game opponents).

- Body Slam
- Hyper Beam
- Surf (HM)
- Self-Destruct (TM)

This big pile of meat is one of the best Normal Pokemon in the game. Its STAB Body Slam is its main attack, with a 30% chance of paralyzing every time. Surf is there when you have to deal with a Rock type Pokemon like Graveler or Rhydon. It's a good Pokemon against frail Psychic types (Alakazam...) or when you have no super-effective move in your party against a specific Pokemon.

- Psychic (TM)
- Surf (HM)
- Ice Beam (TM)
- Recover

This the last Pokemon of your team and to me, one of the best in the game. You can get a Staryu by fishing with a SuperRod in Fuchsia City before the sixth Gym. Its Speed is similar to Jolteon, one of the fastest in the game. With its variety of moves, it can deal with a lot of different Pokemon. STAB Psychic and STAB Surf are very powerful and Ice Beam is there to help Nidoking when it's time to battle Lance and his dragons.

With this team, I manage to beat the entire game very easily with no hard times, and no grinding at all!

just out of curiosity, what are your stats for your nidoking? i tried a nidoking in my elitefour run and continuousely got 1 shot by power moves, and i feel it may be the defense stat.
Actually starmie can replace Kadabra
1 vote

Better late than never! Here is my team for Pokemon Yellow~

Chosen One the Pikachu
- Thunderbolt
- Reflect
- Flash
- Thunder Wave

Pikachu has little to no coverage, but he is quick. Thunder Wave anything you can't kill and let your teammates do the work. Reflect is to buff your team and Flash is to support the next teammate you send in after Pika faints.

PPPP the Primeape
- Dig
- Submission
- Double Team
- Thrash

Primeape is pretty tough and you get Mankey early on in Pokemon Yellow. Dig is solid and gives you turns to stall. Submission is your strongest Fighting option, but it deals recoil. Double Team for a potential dodge and Thrash for a strong (not Hyper Beam) Normal type move as a last ditch effort.

BOES the Muk
- Sludge
- Body Slam
- Minimize
- Explosion

Muk is very bulky. Take advantage of Minimize! Body Slam is strong and has a potential to paralyze. Sludge has a chance to poison and Explosion for a last ditch BOOM to take out a more difficult opponent.

Tay the Seaking
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Double Team
- Horn Drill

Seaking isn't as bad in Gen 1 as he is in later gens. Ice Beam does amazingly versus Lance and Horn Drill is for a last ditch effort to take out an opponents Pokemon in one hit. Double Team up and get rolling.

Butthole the Tangela
- Toxic
- Cut
- Bide
- Razor Leaf

Toxic and Bide is such an OP combo in Gen 1. Toxic the opponent first and use Bide. Bide makes it so they can't attack and every turn Bide is active, Toxic wears off more and more HP. It's broken, trust me. Cut is just basic damage. Razor Leaf is actually pretty solid and get crits fairly often. Tangela is hard to get in the Safari Zone, but it's worth it!

Rocky the Rhydon
- Strength
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Submission

Earthquake and Rock Slide cover every Pokemon in the game. Strength is because I needed it for Victory Road and Submission just for added coverage (although I never used it). I would recommend saving up for Substitute over Submission. Rhydon is super solid and an excellent addition to any team.

Overall, this team was pretty solid. Tangela was insanely hard to get in Safari Zone but he ended up being worth it. Pikachu was least useful whereas Seaking was MVP.

Give this team a go and have fun!

Ik this is late but Tangela isn't really that good of a grass type when it comes to the other accessible grass type mons. I would go for Venasaur as it has more bulk and offence, Muk is still a decent mon although other options would be Clefable because of its early accessibility and wide movepool over than that good team
Yeah I agree with that.

I actually have a spreadsheet of every fully evolved Pokémon and I’m trying to use them all. This was a way to check tangela off the list!
Okay fair enough but Im letting you know to help you so your experience won't be hell as R/B/Y are poor when it comes to movepools with certain pokemon although the mechanics are fun to mess around with. Muk is underrated i've used one in a playthrough of R/S/E version before and it was really good its a shame in R/B/Y it docent have access to good poison type stab.
I love the use of seaking, its a mediocre water type but its not that bad its got a solid attack stat and is decently bulky although there are better water type options to use setting up with double team then using an x accuracy then One-Hit KOing everything and the use of Muk to cripple and annoy opponents is really nice. 10/10 unique pokemon and some interesting movesets
1 vote

This is for Yellow version.

- Thunderbolt (Level 26, STAB)
- Thunder Wave (Status) / Body Slam (Coverage)
- Reflect (Support)
- Light Screen (Support)

The only real damaging move worth using on Pikachu is Thunderbolt. If it didn't learn it by level up, I wouldn't even waste the TM on it. Thunder Wave has great synergy with the rest of the team, but the Body Slam TM can be used if you really want coverage. Screen setting is a perfect role for a Pokemon like this and is honestly the most work you can hope to get out of it.

- Low Kick (STAB, Flinch)
- Karate Chop (STAB, high crit chance)
- Strength (HM, Coverage)
- Mimic (Coverage)

With the way Gen 1, works Primeape is actually one of the better options for Fighting types. Pikachu covers its Flying weakness well and it does just as well dealing with Brock as the Nidos do.

Low Kick is 50 base power, 90% accurate with a 30% chance to flinch in this gen so Para-Flinch is a real possibility thanks to its alright Speed stat. Karate Chop is also base 50 and is a 100% Accurate with an increased critical hit ratio meaning you use this when you don't want to miss, or don't outspeed.

This is the only place Strength fits on my team so it goes here. I don't like using HM slaves and only use one for Flash (which could easily go on Pikachu). That being said, it does help hit things that resist it for neutral damage and is technically a better button to press than any other, unless your Fighting moves hit for super effective damage.

Mimic is here because I'm saving my Rock Slide TM. If you don't mind wasting TMs then by all means go right ahead. But Mimic is actually a pretty good move in this gen because you get to choose which move you steal, which is nuts.

- Fly (STAB, HM)
- Dig (Coverage)
- Slash (Coverage, high crit chance)
- Flamethrower (STAB)

This set is pretty obvious so I'll touch on a few other points.

Moves that take two turns are perfectly reasonable for in-game because the AI wont switch. Dig still isn't ideal but it does have 100 base power in Gen 1, and it means I don't have to waste my Earthquake TM. Slash could be Cut but I already have it on another Pokemon, and Slash has a higher critical hit ratio that plays well with Charizard's Speed.

- Cut (HM)
- Toxic (Status)
- Slash (Coverage, high crit chance)
- Earthquake (Level 47, STAB)

This Pokemon is basically here to press Earthquake, which is learned by level up (just use Dig until then). Slash is nice because Dugtrio's a fast Pokemon, so it will crit a lot. Cut fits here because its movepool is shallow as is, just never click it in battle. Toxic can be anything you want, but it's so frail I'd rather get lucky hitting Toxic and getting knocked out than praying for Sand-Attack or Fissure.

- Rest (Healing)
- Amnesia (Bulk)
- Body Slam (STAB, Status)
- Substitute (Time)

Substitute is a great move on a Pokemon with such high HP, and you can Amnesia or Rest behind it to become more bulky and regenerate that massive HP. Body Slam has great synergy slowing things down to my team's level while also hitting physically weak Psychic types like an absolute truck.

- Surf (STAB, HM)
Psychic (TM, coverage)
- Ice Beam (Level 38, STAB)
- Body Slam (Level 25, coverage, status)

Not much to say about this one, pretty cookie cutter. I opted to save my Thunderbolt TM because BoltBeam coverage isn't really needed anyways. I get to save Ice Beam and Body Slam TMs because Lapras learns them via level up and Psychic is probably best used on this or Starmie anyhow.

1 vote


I won't be choosing any version exclusives but I will provide alternatives if possible or better options if you have access to trading

- Flamethrower
- Dig
- Slash
- Fire Spin

Charizard can't learn Fly in RGB unless you trade it over to Yellow and teach it in that game, but it's still pretty good. Brock doesn't know any Rock type moves so despite a slow battle, you can beat him. Flamethrower is a pretty good move and it learns it at Level 46. Dig can be taught to it with the TM you get from the Rocket Grunt from the robbed house, and in Gen 1, it has the same power as Earthquake. Slash is a good move to get critical hits and in Gen 1, critical hits occur more often depending on your Speed. Fire Spin makes the opponent unable to attack, so it's OP in this Gen.

- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Thrash
- Strength

Quite good and you get get it pretty early on in the game. Earthquake is powerful and it's STAB. Rock Slide to deal with Flying types, Thrash for some powerful hits (and it learns it early on), and Strength so it can push boulders.

- Fly
- Quick Attack
- Whirlwind
- Wing Attack

Since Charizard can't learn Fly in RGB, Pidgeot is mainly used as the team's flyer, but you can also use it for battle. It can also serve as the team's backup Flying type Pokemon.

- Surf
- Hyper Beam
- Hydro Pump
- Blizzard

If you can spend time training Magikarp, your reward is the mighty Gyarados. Its Attack stat is high and since Special is one stat, it can use its Water STAB kind of well. Surf is for travel, Hyper Beam is to use its Attack stat, and in Gen 1 Hyper Beam doesn't need to recharge if you KO the opponent with it. Hydro Pump is another powerful move, though less accurate. In Gen 1, Blizzard has 90% accuracy so it's quite overpowered, and if you freeze a Pokemon, it can't thaw out unless you hit it with a Fire attack.

- Hyper Beam
- Body Slam
- Rest
- Selfdestruct

Found pretty easily. Tauros is more powerful, however getting it can be difficult, so Snorlax in my opinion is the better choice. I've explained how overpowered Hyper Beam is and Body Slam is to spread paralysis. You can Rest off your damage and use Selfdestruct if defeat is coming.

- Psychic
- Hypnosis
- Mega Drain
- Leech Seed

The Psychic type is overpowered in Gen 1, and Exeggutor is one of the best. It's common in the Safari Zone and is probably the best Psychic option other than a certain someone (I will get to it). Evolve it with a Leaf Stone once it gets Leech Seed. Psychic is overpowered; it's STAB and hits Poison and Fighting types super effectively. Hypnosis is to put Pokemon to sleep, Mega Drain to make use of its Grass STAB and for recovery, and Leech Seed is to drain the opponent.

If you have access to trade, instead of Exeggutor I recommend

- Psychic
- Recover
- Reflect
- Thunder Wave

One of Gen 1's best Pokemon. Since Special is one stat, it can take special attacks and attack with high damage itself. It's fast and powerful. I've explained why Psychic is good already, Recover is to heal up, Reflect to boost your Defense, and Thunder Wave to spread paralysis. If you can trade, do so to get an Alakazam.

0 votes

This is for Yellow

Charizard: Mixed Sweeper
- Flamethrower
- Mega Punch / Slash
- Fire Spin
- Fly

Flamethrower and Fire Spin are STAB and Fire Spin is amazing in Gen 1. Fly gains STAB and is an HM.

Lapras: Special Sweeper
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt / Thunder
- Reflect

Surf and Ice Beam are powerful STAB, Thunderbolt is coverage, and Reflect makes Lapras last longer.

Exeggutor: Crippler
- Psychic
- Toxic
- Stun Spore
- Leech Seed

Psychic is powerful STAB and Stun Spore makes up for bad speed.

Rhydon: Physical Wall/Sweeper
- Body Slam
- Substitute
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Earthquake and Rock Slide are powerful STAB.

Snorlax: Special Wall
- Double-Edge
- Psychic / Counter
- Amnesia
- Rest

Double-Edge is STAB, Psychic is for Fighting types, and Amnesia lets Snorlax rest in peace:)

The 6th member is a wild card, so I can recommend one of the two Pokemon below:

Poliwrath: Fills everything not covered
- Submission
- Hypnosis
- Seismic Toss
- BubbleBeam / Hydro Pump


Gengar: Fills everything not covered
- Dream Eater
- Hypnosis
- Night Shade
- Spite


edited by
I may be mistaken, but on my game Charizard couldn't learn fly. Maybe because he already knew four moves? I don't know.
UPDATE: for those playing Yellow, Charizard can learn fly. For those playing Red/Blue, he can't.
since blizzard was so much better in gen 1 I would recommend replacing ice beam with it.
i just find the term "physical wall" for Rhydon just too literal. its a rock type that will stab your pokemon repeatedly with a massive horn on its forehead. also, the only thing that may pass it is a water type or grass type. because soil erosion.
0 votes

This is a team for Red/Blue.

Kadabra / Alakazam
- Psychic
- Dig
- Tri Attack / Hyper Beam
- Recover

Recover's a good move to have when you're going up against the Pokemon League, as it spares you from having to use precious healing items. Dig gets you out of caves and is useful in-game as a powerful Ground attack. Psychic is obvious, being the most powerful Psychic type move. Whether you use Tri Attack or Hyper Beam is up to preference.
To top it off, Psychic Types are pretty overpowered in Gen. 1.

- Mirror Move
- Fly
- Rest
- Double-Edge

Mirror Move is OP in-game, and Fly is too. Double-Edge provides Fearow with strong Normal STAB, and Rest heals off damage caused by spamming Double-Edge. You can always use your Poke Flute, Awakenings, or Full Heals to wake it up.

- Pin Missile
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Quick Attack / Double Kick

This is another sweeper. Pin Missile takes down Psychic types, and you can cripple other sweepers with Thunder Wave. Double Kick takes down Graveler, but Quick Attack is useful in-game, so it's up to you. Thunderbolt is, of course, the Electric move necessary for a Jolteon to have, and I chose it over Thunder because of its better accuracy.

- Surf
- Strength
- Ice Beam
- Fissure / Fighting move / Hyper Beam

Hyper Beam and Fissure are both good in-game. Strength and Surf make it an HM slave, and Ice Beam is for coverage. You can opt for a Fighting move so you have something to switch into Ice types, to cover for Fearow.

- Sleep Powder
- Petal Dance
- Mega Drain
- Acid

The idea here is to have a status inflicting sweeper who can heal off damage with Mega Drain.

- Double Team
- Smog / Metronome
- Flamethrower
- Psywave / Normal move

This is kind of a trolly set. Double Team+Metronome is fun to use in-game, but you can go for Smog instead of Metronome. Psywave isn't really necessary because you have Kadabra or Alakazam, so I suggest you use a Normal type move with high power.

edited by
Many players can't get an Alakazam. Please remove it from this answer.
How can you get vileplume in pokemon blue without trade ?
0 votes

This is for Pokemon Red

- Fire Blast
- Flamethrower
- Seismic Toss
- Cut

Fire Blast is for when you can sacrifice accuracy. Flamethrower is when you cannot. Seismic Toss is for Rock types. Cut... is just the HM.

- Thunder
- Thunderbolt
- Double Kick
- Flash

Thunder sacrifices accuracy. Thunderbolt does not. Double Kick is for Rock types. Flash... uhhh... can lower accuracy!

- Surf
- Blizzard
- Confuse Ray / Sing
- Body Slam

Surf is better then you think. Blizzard is powerful and still has 90% accuracy. Confuse Ray/Sing is to annoy people. I'd choose Confuse Ray because Sing only has around 50% accuracy. Body Slam is a good paralyzer.

- Drill Peck
- Fly
- Tri Attack
- Agility

Drill Peck is the god of Flying types. Dodrio... can Fly? Tri Attack just matches Dodrio and in later generations it's awesome. Agility can make you move first all the time and in the first generation, critical hits were based on Speed.

- Slash
- Quick Attack
- Double Team
- Agility

Slash is good for critical hits. Quick Attack can have you move before anything. Double Team annoys people. Agility is the same reason that Dodrio has it.

- Bite
- Slash
- Hyper Beam
- Strength

Bite can flinch opponents. Slash has a good critical hit chance. Hyper Beam is a last-ditch power move. Strength is actually an OK HM move.

Red's team lol
0 votes

For Pokemon Blue:

- Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- Fire Spin / Earthquake / Fire Blast
- Slash
- Strength / Earthquake

Charizard may be a special attacker, but for those who care about having attacks match their best stats, Charizard (or any Fire type) wouldn't really be useful in Gen 1. Flamethrower is a better choice over Fire Blast because Flamethrower isn't a TM so it can only learn it once. Fire Spin is good for stalling, but if you want a better Fire move, give it Fire Blast. I would only recommend giving it Earthquake over the two if you're interested in trading TM's from other games (Its possible, Pokemon Stadium N64). Slash usually crits so you can abuse that, and Strength is a decent attack and worth teaching if you needed a Pokemon to learn it for in game purposes. Other then that give it Earthquake if you want.

- Thunderbolt / Thunder
- Thunder Wave
- Double Kick
- Pin Missile / Quick Attack

A great special sweeper, Jolteon can wreck in-game. Thunderbolt is better than Thunder, but if you want to give Thunderbolt to a different Pokemon, Thunder is be a good replacement. Thunder Wave is good for paralyzing other Pokemon that could be a threat to Jolteon or your team. Double Kick is to at least hit Ground types if Jolteon is your last Pokemon. And Pin Missile is kind of just to fill up the fourth slot.

- Psychic
- Leech Seed
- Mega Drain
- Sleep Powder / Stun Spore

Exeggutor is pretty slow, but its Special and decent Defense make up for it. Sleep Powder + Leech Seed is a really good combo to run with it. You could replace Sleep Powder with Stun Spore if you prefer paralyzing Pokemon. Mega Drain also restores a bit of HP and does damage, but Psychic is what will hit the opponents hard.

- Double-Edge
- Body Slam
- Earthquake
- Hyper Beam

Tauros has decent Speed and good Attack. With Body Slam you get STAB and a chance to paralyze your opponents. Double-Edge and Hyper Beam are to do massive damage if Body Slam doesn't cut it. Earthquake is to damage those pesky Rock types.

- Slash
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Fissure / Take Down

Dugtrio is a speedy yet frail Ground type, but that doesn't make it bad. It has decent Attack and will outspeed most Pokemon, making it a great addition to a team. Earthquake is for STAB (plus it's Dugtrio's best move), Slash is for abusing crits, and Rock Slide is for Flying and Ice coverage. Fissure is to be used if you feel Dugtrio won't beat a certain Pokemon, but if you don't like the KO moves, then Take Down would be a decent replacement.

- Surf
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt / Thunder

Starmie is a great Water Pokemon, one of the best in Gen 1. Surf is a great STAB move (not to mention needed to beat the game) and Psychic also benefits from STAB. Ice Beam can cover many types (Grass, Flying, etc). Thunderbolt is highly recommended in this movepool, but if you have given Thunderbolt to Jolteon already, Thunder can still replace it.

Bro, you need Flying type pokemon for Fly
Dodrio can replace Tauros
0 votes

Here is a team for Pokemon Yellow, but it can work in Red and Blue as well.

- Thunderbolt
- Body Slam
- Submission
- Thunder Wave / Thunder

The starter. May not be able to evolve in Yellow, but is the only Electric type to get Thunderbolt by level up (but only in Yellow). Very fast, and gets good coverage. In Red/Blue, definitely hunt around in Viridian Forest for one.

  • Thunderbolt: STAB, best Electric move in the game. Red and Blue Pikachu will need to use TM24, but Yellow Pikachu can learn it itself, leaving the TM available for someone else.
  • Body Slam: Best Normal move in the game. Need TM08, from the S.S. Anne.
  • Submission: Submission is the most powerful Fighting move in the game, with 80 power and accuracy, but 1/4 recoil.
  • Thunder Wave: Paralysis is at its finest in Gen 1, and is a fate worse than death for fast sweepers like Alakazam. 1/4 chance each turn for the target to not move is just icing on the cake, as the main point is to cut Speed. Thunder could be used if you want another attack instead of status.

- Flamethrower
- Slash
- Fly
- Earthquake / Dig

I'll admit he may be pretty bad in Gen 1, but he still has plenty going for him. Namely, immunity to Ground, excellent moves, and a strong Fire move by level up that does not require staying unevolved.

  • Flamethrower: Very strong STAB move
  • Slash: Learned upon evolving into Charizard at Level 36. The higher chance to crit makes it an attractive choice.
  • Fly: HM, only Flying STAB available (and only in Yellow).
  • Earthquake / Dig: Back in Gen 1, Dig was basically a two-turn Earthquake, having the same base power 100. Earthquake is preferred, but Dig will do if needed earlier or Earthquake is required elsewhere.

- Body Slam
- Double Kick
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Most people seem to prefer Nidoking's better offenses, but Nidoqueen learns Body Slam at Level 23 as a Nidoqueen, so you can still use that Moon Stone right away. Its movepool is very wide, so this is just one option.

  • Body Slam: Learned by Level up, very strong.
  • Double Kick: Very good move, learned at Level 12 in Yellow, though learned too late to be useful in Red/Blue (not due to power, but having to be unevolved to learn it).
  • Earthquake: STAB, learned only by TM sadly.
  • Rock Slide: Provides perfect neutral coverage with Earthquake.
    Other options include Surf, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunderbolt. Thunder, and more.

- Razor Leaf
- Sleep Powder
- Leech Seed / Mega Drain / Swords Dance
- Cut / Double-Edge

Very bulky Grass type. Exeggutor is technically better, but it is much harder to find.

  • Razor Leaf: STAB move with a high crit chance? Yes please.
  • Sleep Powder: Puts opponent to sleep, very good for catching and battling.
  • Leech Seed / Mega Drain / Swords Dance: Restore health or boost Attack while foe asleep.
  • Cut / Double-Edge: Needs some coverage. Double-Edge is obviously better, but Cut is needed, and due to being pre power creep, base power 50 is not as outclassed as it is in later gens.

- Surf
- Strength
- Bite
- Fire Blast / Thunderbolt / Blizzard / Ice Beam

I recommend this guy over Blastoise, as Blastoise is outclassed everywhere except Defense. In Gen 1, Gyarados had base 100 Special, making special moves very strong.

  • Surf: STAB HM, best HM in the game, and arguably the best Water move of all time. Use BubbleBeam or Water Gun until it's available.
  • Strength: Body Slam is better, but already used for Pikachu, and base 80 power physical move off of base 125 Attack hurts a lot.
  • Bite: Physical with a chance to flinch.
  • Fire Blast / Thunderbolt / Blizzard / Ice Beam: Thunderbolt is better than Thunder, but Blizzard still has a respectable 90% acc. Fire Blast is very powerful, with a high burn chance.

- Quick Attack
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- Smog / Reflect / Fire Spin
- Double-Edge / Bite

Considered the black sheep (err, fox/dog) of the Eeveelutions, Flareon is still worth mentioning, with base 110 Special and a whopping base 130 Attack.

  • Quick Attack: May seem a strange choice, but Flareon's epic Attack and pitiful Speed make priority viable.
  • Flamethrower / Fire Blast: Flamethrower is learned by level up, albeit very late. Fire Blast is an option for immediate power.
  • Smog / Reflect / Fire Spin: I admit that Flareon's movepool sucks, but here are some possibilities. Smog is a Poison move with poor accuracy and power, but a nice 40% chance to poison. Fire Spin is the Fire equivalent of Wrap, and can be useful if the target is already poisoned, burned, or seeded. Reflect halves damage from physical moves, which helps cover for Flareon's low Defense, and it can support teammates
  • Double-Edge / Bite: Double-Edge hurts plenty with that high Attack and won't do recoil damage if the opponent faints, making it a great finishing move. Bite is only listed if you don't like recoil, as flinching won't occur if the target has already moved.

If you want Flash, just use a boxed Pokemon and put it back afterwards. Even Cut is better than pre-Gen IV Flash, and that even considers the power creep in later gens.

0 votes

When I play a Pokemon game, I like to make a team that is comprised of mostly Fire-types, since they're my favorite. Generally, my rule is that I have to have at least the same number of Fire types as any other, if not more. Also, I like to have a team of Pokemon that can each take on one of the final boss' Pokemon, so they're all used in the final battle. So, when I played Blue, this was my team.

- Flamethrower
- Cut
- Strength
- Earthquake

The starter. Before I hit the first Gym, I've usually leveled it up to at least 15, and use Ember. I don't use it against Erika, because by that time I've gotten Ninetales, and it has Flamethrower, whereas Charizard does not (yet). I'll give it Earthquake as soon as possible, which I use against Sabrina and Gary's Alakazam. It's not super effective, but it's the strongest attack I have with a Pokemon that isn't weak against Psychic attacks.

- Hyper Fang
- Super Fang
- Thunderbolt
- Thunder

I usually get Raticate before Gym 1. I find its Hyper Fang quite useful against Misty, especially since I've leveled it up to around 25 by the time I get to Misty. I'll also teach it Thunderbolt once I get the TM, which is useful against Lorelei, Lance's Gyarados, and Gary's Blastoise.

- Horn Drill
- Submission
- Rock Slide
- Fire Blast

I'll also get this one before Gym 1, although I don't really use it until I get to Blaine. Then I'll use its Rock Slide against Gary's Pidgeot.

- Scratch
- Dig
- Slash
- Earthquake

I always get Dugtrio before Gym 3, and level him up to 30. Its Dig attack is quite useful there and at Koga's, although I sometimes use Ninetales' Dig there, too. It's useful against Agatha as well, and I use its Earthquake against Gary's Arcanine.

- Confuse Ray
- Flamethrower
- Dig
- Body Slam

I'll pick up Ninetales before Gym 4, level it up to 35, and use its Flamethrower against Erika and Gary's Exeggutor. I also teach it Dig as soon as I can, and use it against Koga, should Dugtrio fall (for some reason, which has never happened).

- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump
- Surf
- Psychic

It joins the team just before I take on Sabrina, but I use it for Giovanni and most of the Elite Four, including Bruno, Agatha, and Lance. I use its Surf against Gary's Rhydon.

I can see one main problem with this team: If your Raticate is out-sped by a powerful water type, you basically have no other strong defense against water types. Of course, six pokemon should be enough to defeat one water type.

Also, if you are playing Red, would you simply replace Ninetales with Arcanine? I don't know if Arcanine can learn Confuse Ray...
0 votes

This team is for Yellow.
Team: Pikachu, Primeape, Fearow, Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise

- Thunderbolt (TM24 or Level 26)
- Mega Kick (TM05) / Submission (TM17)
- Thunder (TM25 or Level 41)
- Thunder Wave (Level 8)

Thunderbolt is a powerful STAB move that can be used over and over without missing. Mega Kick is to take advantage of higher Attack than Sp. Atk, but Submission can be used to counter Rock/Ground types that wall Pikachu. The other Pokemon on this team counter that type very well, though, so I usually go with Mega Kick. Thunder is when you can trade accuracy for power. Thunder Wave is for easy paralysis.

- Karate Chop (Level 15)
- Submission (TM17)
- Dig (TM28)
- Rock Slide (TM48)

Karate Chop is almost always a critical hit with Primeape's high Speed and the move's critical ratio. Submission is STAB, and the other moves are coverage. Note: Dig has 100 base power in Gen 1.

- Drill Peck (Level 34)
- Double-Edge (TM10)
- Fly (HM02)
- Mirror Move (Level 25)

Drill Peck and Double-Edge are STAB, Fly is nice to have, and Mirror Move is useful in some situations.

- Razor Leaf (Level 30)
- Cut (HM01) / Body Slam (TM08)
- Toxic (TM06 ) / Sleep Powder (Level 55)
- Leech Seed (Level 7)

Razor Leaf is STAB. Cut is an HM while Body Slam is nice for paralysis. Any combination of Toxic, Sleep Powder, and Leech Seed may be used for the 3rd and 4th slots.

- Fire Blast (TM38) / Flamethrower (Level 46)
- Fly (HM02)
- Slash (Level 36)
- Earthquake (TM26)

Fire Blast VS Flamethrower is personal preference. The Fire move and Fly are for coverage. Slash almost always gets a critical hit, and Earthquake is coverage.

- Surf (HM03)
- Ice Beam (TM13) / Blizzard (TM14)
- Strength (HM04)
- filler

Surf is STAB and an HM, and Ice Beam/Blizzard are coverage. Strength is an HM. The fourth moveslot is totally for you to decide. Some good options are Seismic Toss, Hydro Pump, Submission, Body Slam, Hyper Beam, Rest, Reflect, and Substitute.

0 votes

This team is for Red and Blue.


  • Toxic
  • Leech Seed
  • Razor Leaf
  • Growth

Toxic to badly poison the target and if used with Leech Seed, Leech Seed will also increase in damage every turn. Razor Leaf is STAB and has a high chance of critical hits. Growth might be unappealing, but since it's Gen 1, it raises the Special stat (much like Calm Mind in later Gens).


  • Body Slam
  • Earthquake
  • Fire Blast
  • Surf

Nidoking's movepool might be slightly lackluster when it comes to leveling up, but that means that you can evolve it completely when you get to Mt. Moon and teach it some great HMs. Body Slam hits hard and can paralyze. Earthquake is STAB and Fire Blast and Surf are coverage.


  • Surf
  • Ice Beam
  • Psychic
  • Thunder

Surf is STAB and so is Psychic. Ice Beam and Thunder are simply coverage.


  • Fly
  • Drill Peck
  • Tri Attack
  • Double Team

Fly is an HM and Drill Peck is more powerful STAB. Tri Attack is great STAB too, being physical, and Double Team is just a filler.


  • Thunderbolt
  • Quick Attack
  • Mimic
  • Thunder Wave

Thunderbolt is STAB and Quick Attack is priority. Mimic takes advantage of Jolteon's speed to instantly learn any of the opponents moves. Thunder Wave is to paralyze and help catch Pokemon too.


  • Body Slam
  • Rock Slide
  • Blizzard
  • Amnesia

Body Slam is STAB and can paralyze. Rock Slide is coverage and Blizzard is special coverage. Amnesia is just broken, raising your Special stat by 2 stages.

I have made sure every Pokemon is obtainable and that every move I've specified can be learned.

If you want, when Snorlax reaches level 56 he can learn Hyper Beam, which you can replace Amnesia with. Just a thought. I like offensive moves, and Hyper Beam is one of the best!
0 votes

This is my team for Pokemon Red.
I have listed HMs alongside the moves because I replace the HMs when I beat the main game.

- Fire Blast
- Swords Dance
- Fly (HM) / Body Slam
- Earthquake

Earthquake can handle Rock types and is very powerful after a Swords Dance. Fire Blast is powerful STAB and Body Slam adds extra coverage.

- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Confuse Ray
- Rest

I know Surf is an HM, but it still does reliable STAB damage and is this team's only Water type option. Ice Beam is Ice STAB. Confuse Ray and Rest are great moves to couple with Lapras' high HP stat.

- Psychic
- Mega Drain
- Sleep Powder
- Double-Edge

Psychic for reliable STAB, Mega Drain for recovery, Double-Edge for coverage and Sleep Powder because it is OP.

- Body Slam
- Strength (HM) / Earthquake
- Rest
- Hyper Beam

Hyper Beam can get rid of a Pokemon easily and Body Slam does reliable damage. Earthquake for coverage and Rest for recovery. Strength is an HM.

- Surf (HM)
- Wrap
- Cut (HM) / Hyper Beam
- Thunderbolt

Wrap is really powerful in Generation 1, as it immobilizes the target as well. Thunderbolt hits dangerous Water/Ice types well and Surf hits Rock types that resist Wrap and Hyper Beam.

- Thunderbolt
- Psychic
- Flash (HM) / Seismic Toss
- Thunder Wave

Thunderbolt is a good STAB option and Thunder Wave's paralysis is nice. Psychic for coverage, and Seismic Toss can be useful in the late game.

Electabuzz: Raichu / Jolteon
Dragonite: Dragonite is really just a powerful filler, so you can replace it with just about anything if you want
Snorlax: Chansey
Exeggutor: Venusaur / Victreebel / Vileplume
Lapras: Blastoise / Kabutops / Starmie / Vaporeon
Charizard: Arcanine / Ninetales / Flareon

hey bro, in pokemon red Charizard can't learn Fly