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Hi guys, I was wondering since I am really low on Grass type moves, what are some good Grass types that I could get within 20 minutes in Pokemon Leaf Green? I already have Victreebel, but I feel like there would be some stronger choices out there. I have made it to Cinnabar Island. Thank you!

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I don't think Grass types are that spectacular in LG. They're only good against Brock, Misty, and Giovanni, of which only Giovanni is left. Your choices are limited, with the only options being Parasect, Exeggutor, and Tangela. Grass types aren't needed, but if you must use one though, I think you should stick with Victreebel.

1 Answer

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The best Grass type Pokemon for LG is Venusaur.It has great stats all around and a ok movepool.It has stun spore and sleep powder,and grass-poison coverage is good enough most of the time.It can learn earthquake,but there are better Pokemon to use it.It is a bit TM reliant too.The second best is Victreebel.It has sleep powder and stun spore,has high offensive stats,and an ok speed.But its horrible defenses allow it to be killed a lot,so that is why it is not as good as venusaur.The third best is exeguttor.It has good spec attack,ok defenses,and hypnosis,but it has a horrible typing,bad speed,and a TM reliant movepool.Vileplume if the 4th best.It is basically a replacement venusaur.Tangela is the second to worst.Good defense,sleep powder and stun spore,and good spec attack are the only good things about it.It has bad attack,so you shouldn't waste your physical TMs on it.It has horrible spec defense,bad speed,and a shallow movepool.Parasect is even worse.So many weaknesses because of bad typing,too reliant on TMs,no strong STAB,horrible speed,and bad stats in general.The only good thing is spore and stun spore.It has ok moves for TMs,but putting them on parasect is a waste.Vileplume can only be gotten by trades though,so you might not be able to get it.Venusaur is if you chose bulbasaur,so you may not be able to get it.In your circumstance,the best grass Pokemon is victreebel because you probably don't have venusaur.

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