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Before anyone complains about this, I asked on discord and Fizz said it's fine to ask this question

I wanna download a few episode with some interesting moments in them and I got a few where I couldn't find the source. It is mostly about some quots that I find cool and I wanna watch the episodes they were in.

'health must come first or evil can't prosper'

I can't tell which part of the anime this is. What I could find was Meowth having a fever and the art style was so reminiscent of the sm anime. Not certain about that though.

'if it's not on a plate, it can wait'

This one I legitimately have no clue which part of the anime. All I know is that team rocket were busy stuffing their face.

'idiots are hard to hypnotize'

This one is where Meowth was telepathically possessed by some tombstone Pokemon in the bw anime

Last one is a scene where team rocket kissed ash while disguised in some tropical clothes. It's basically the first scene in this video:


So, any anime nerds wanna help me out?

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Going based off what Bulbapedia says about controlling Meowth, I think the episode was episode 133 which had a bunch of Beheeyem. As for the team rocket eating one, I think the ones that make the most sense are the episode where Ash has his gym battle against Gardenia or the episode 092 A Mean Lean Team Rocket Machine (both sinnoh episodes)
I recognize all of these but I can’t remember omg. The idiots quote came from an episode that has beeheeyem in the title, that much I remember
I just realized the first one said sm, so I think it might be one of the Necrozma ones, nut I can't remember all the times Meowth is sick lol.
I'm not certain about the sm though. The art style was different so that was just an assumption

Oh that's Beheyem? I'll look up those episodes you mentioned Viper
It’s definitely a sm episode.
As for the beeheyem one, that would be BW133, or Capacia Island UFO!
Abra and the psychic showdown
Indigo league
I think the "sm" one is actually journeys, as the building they are in is actually the hideout they use in the galar anime.
I know for a fact the eating one is in journeys
I think the one where meowth had a fever is in pmon journeys pikachu translation check

1 Answer

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Best answer

I'm pretty sure that I've got everything about this, and I want this off the unanswered list.

'idiots are hard to hypnotize'

Season 16 Episode 36

'health must come first or evil can't prosper'

Sword/Shield (Pokémon Journeys) Episode 41

'if it's not on a plate, it can wait'
This one I legitimately have no clue which part of the anime. All I know is that team rocket were busy stuffing their face.

It might have occurred in Double Team Turnover! (Season 10 Episode 096), or A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine! (Season 10 Episode 40). I honestly couldn't get much about it, hope this much's fine.

Last one is a scene where team rocket kissed ash while disguised in some tropical clothes.

Season 1 Episode 21

Hope it helped.

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