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Question says it all. I need something for Erika, and Vulpix and Alolan Vulpix get Ice Beam / Flamethrower at level 24, which would be perfect for her. I'm leaning toward Vulpix due to it not being weak to her Weepinbell's Poison Jab, but I'm not sure. Also I'm gonna evolve them once they get Ice Beam / Flamethrower because if I don't evolve them, their Ice Beam / Flamethrower won't hit hard enough because of Vulpix and Alolan Vulpix having a base 50 special attack. Also I'm only thinking about Erika, and not the rest of the game, so can someone help me with which one to choose? Also my team is Nidoking, Alolan Raticate, Drowzee, Psyduck, Vulpix, and Meowth(Meowth is filler, and my starter and Weepinbell died, which means I can't use them anymore :/).


1 Answer

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Best answer

I know you only wanted an answer for Erika, but I included extra info because both Pokémon are useful for most of the game.

You should use Alolan Vulpix. It may not resist Erika's STAB, but it hits hard with Ice Beam. Ice/Fairy is generally a better attacking combo in LGPE than Fire is, being particularly strong against Giovanni and the Indigo Plateau. With 109 base Speed, Alolan Ninetales is also faster than many opponents, which lets it clean up matches more efficiently.

Alolan Ninetales' 4x Steel weakness is problematic at first glance, but the only Steel type Pokémon in the game are Magnemite, Magneton, Meltan, and Melmetal. Of these, only Magnemite and Magneton are used by Trainers, and they typically don't even have Steel moves!

Tl;dr While Kantonian Ninetales works well, Alolan Ninetales edges it out thanks to a superior type combination and Speed.

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Ok, thanks! I was pretty conflicted on which one to choose.
No problem, good luck!
Wait I have one question will her Weepinbell with Poison Jab be a problem? Fairy is weak to Poison, I think it won't because I would probably KO with Ice Beam, I just wanna make sure lol.