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I was playing Pokemon lets go Pikachu, but on deciding my team I wanted too add one of these Pokemon. So which one is better in competitive and casual play?

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Base Stat Totals
91 HP
134 Atk
95 Def
100 Sp. Atk
100 Sp. Def
80 Spe

BST: 600

Mega Charizard X
78 HP
130 Atk
111 Def
130 Sp. Atk
85 Sp. Def
100 Spe

BST: 634

In the BST department, Charizard wins. Typewise, Charizard has 3 weaknesses and 5 resistances, and Dragonite has 5 resistances and an immunity, with 4 weaknesses and one of them being a quad weakness. I personally think Dragonite is better, as it does not use up the Mega Evolution slot and has better bulk and offence. It is also available very early on if you get Sea Skim (Edit: Charizard is available earlier, I forgot it was a rare spawn on Route 3). It's really up to you, but my answer is Dragonite.
This is seriously incorrect. Dragonite is not obtainable earlier than Charizard. Charmander is obtainable on Route 3 before beating the first gym, while Dratini isn't available until well after the 4th gym. Also, Charmeleon evolves into Charizard 19 levels before Dragonair into Dragonite, and Dragonite has a slower EXP gain.

Charizard is much easier to obtain
I’d say MCX over Dragonite, solely because Megas are overpowered and that abilities don’t exist (no Multiscale).
In this situation, Mega Charizard is not "overpowered" compared to Dragonite. It's BST is only 34 points higher, and Dragonite has a higher Attack stat. Both Pokemon are extremely powerful in most regards
So i think dragonite is  better,then what about charizard y any use

1 Answer

0 votes

When comparing this you need to determine the moves it learns and what you want to use it for. As lets go does not have abilities we will be using that as a con.


VERY BULKY and has a good attack. It suffers from low sp def which a lot of faries and ice types use. It is not slow by any means but is vastly out speed by most fariy types either being faster or able to take its hit. With out multicale it can't be a starting tank like it does with main series. It gets access to substitute with roost can make a nice set up to have a cushion.

Mega Zard X

With out tough claws, its moves are not as powerful as they should be. It does however have the chance to be both useful for faries and other types. As fire is resistant to fairy and once you knock out the fairy you can mega to either confirm a kill or mega after to be ready with more resistance. However, Zard suffers from more special attack and needs more TMS to help with that which early game isn't too easy.

Maga Zard Y

With out drought it will suffer but will up your sp atk coverage. Without stab sun fire attacks or solar beam, it can be very harsh to have a bad matchup. This also has the 4x weakness still to rock. This however still doesn't mean its high special attack moves arent gonna hurt.

In the end, X and Y suffer from the fact lets go changed the battle mechanics. For a casual play though it depends on what your team needs. Dragonite is a more safe/normal option to take. For competitive, they all have their own reasons to be on a team. You just need to know yours.
