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Like Smoochum is a baby but a level one Machop isn't.

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2 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

To be considered a baby Pokemon, a species must:

  • be able to evolve,
  • be the first Pokemon in its evolution chain,
  • be obtainable by breeding one of its evolved forms, and
  • be unable to breed, by virtue of belonging to the Undiscovered Egg Group.

Many baby Pokemon were introduced in a generation later than their evolved forms, but this is not proper criteria as demonstrated by Togepi, Riolu, and Toxel.

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2 votes

A pokemon that has an initial moveset, then later had a lower pokemon added to its evolution chaing would be considered a baby pokemon. Smoochum was added in generation II, even though Jynx was made in Gen I. Machamp, however, had his evolution complete the whole time. Machamp wasn't added in later.
For the most part,they can only be obtained by breeding or getting them from an egg.

The baby pokemon are Pichu, cleffa, igglybuff, togepi, tyrouge, smoochum, elekid, magby,azurill, wynaut, budew, chingling, bonsly, mime jr, hapinny, munchlax, riolu, and mantyke.

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Togepi, Budew and Riolu are introduced at the same time their evolutions
Roselia (Gen 3) is older than Budew (Gen 4).
And Togepi (2) is older than Togekiss (4)
1. It says that it happens when a PRE-evolution was added so the Togepi argument is invalid
2. this still does not explain riolu and toxel
the roselia thing was an error from my side