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A Gimmick would be a technical advantage, despite the Pokemon's stats being so low.
It can either be a move, an ability, or a stat. Like how both Wobuffet and Pykamuku have laughable offensive stats, but are insane tanks and can take any hit.
Shedinja's wonderguard, which allows it's HP to be 1, without risking much in terms of viability due to the circumstance.
Ditto's transform, which in gen V, became Imposter.

Gimmick Pokemon

  • Ditto
  • Wishiwashi
  • Smeargle
  • Shedinja
  • Medicham
  • Azumarill
  • Wobuffet
  • Diggersby
  • Furfrou
  • Pykamuku
  • Bewear
  • Dubwool

2 Answers

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Best answer

Gen 1 - Farfetch'd (352 with Gen 2 onwards, 290 in Gen 1)
Gen 2 - Delibird (330)
Gen 3 - Luvdisc (330)
Gen 4 - Kriketune (384) but technically it is a male combee (244)
Gen 5 - Watchog (420)
Gen 6 - Vivillion (411)
Gen 7 - Shiinotic (405) but technically it is a male salandit (320)
Gen 8 - Pincurchin (435)

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Farfetch'd's BST in gen 1 is 290, not 348. Also if you count male Salandit, then you should also count male Combee.
Mostly correct, but Pincurchin does indeed have a lower BST than Morpeko by 1 point, like '湿ったマフィン' stated, but thanks for the info anyway!
0 votes

Gen 1: Farfetch'd
Gen 2: Delibird
Gen 3: Luvdisc
Gen 4: Kricketune
Gen 5: Audino
Gen 6: Vivilion
Gen 7: Alolan Raticate (lel)
Gen 8: It takes me great pain to say this, but my boi pincurchin has the lowest bst. Can I get an F in the chat.

Source: Ze interactive dex lel

I thought that watchog's bst was lower than audino for gen 5.