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So far in Pokémon go I know Roselia, Kirlia, Rhydon, Snorunt, Sneasal, Pilosone do, but what are the others?


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Sneasel evolves into Weavile using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Electabuzz evolves into Electivire using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Roselia evolves into Roserade using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Rhydon evolves into Rhyperior using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Murkrow evolves into Honchkrow using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Porygon2 evolves into Porygon-Z using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Togetic evolves into Togekiss using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Magmar evolves into Magmortar using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Misdreavus evolves into Mismagius using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Gligar evolves into Gliscor using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Dusclops evolves into Dusknoir using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Swinub evolves into Mamoswine using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Aipom evolves into Ambipom using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Yanma evolves into Yanmega using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Tangela evoles into Tangrowth using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Lickitung evolves into Lickilicky using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Kirlia evolves into Gallade using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone
Snorunt evolves into Froslass using 100 candy and one Pokémon GO Sinnoh Stone

Sinnoh Stone (Bulbapedia)

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