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I saw a hot debate in YouTube comments but no sources so like

"Brilliant Pokémon are more likely to be Shiny, depending on the number of Pokémon of that species that the player has caught or defeated. This stacks with the Shiny Charm (which provides 2 bonus rolls), allowing for up to 9 bonus rolls (approximately a 1/456 chance) if the player has the Shiny Charm and caught or defeated at least 500 of that species."

Does this answer your question?
Isn’t the caught/defeated thing glitched to only occur a small percentage of the time?
Another source saying yes from a Smogon researcher: https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1448334955461939210

1 Answer

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Best answer

Brilliant Pokémon have 1.6× the likelihood of appearing, and Shiny Pokémon have 2× the likelihood of appearing

The Pokemon Company themselves indirectly say that you have a higher chance of finding shiny Pokemon by encountering Brilliant Pokemon.


However, knowing Ty, that's not good enough for them. So here's a direct statement with a couple sources.

Brilliant Pokémon are more likely to be Shiny, depending on the number of Pokémon of that species that the player has caught or defeated. If a Brilliant Pokémon is not Shiny, the game will regenerate its personality value up to 6 additional times (depending on the number of times the player has caught or defeated that species) to try and make it Shiny, resulting in the Pokémon being approximately 7 times more likely than normal to be Shiny. This stacks with the Shiny Charm (which provides 2 bonus rolls), allowing for up to 9 bonus rolls (approximately a 1/456 chance) if the player has the Shiny Charm and caught or defeated at least 500 of that species.


Hope this answers your question, ty

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