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I need them to evolve Eevee into Vaporeon and Growlithe into Arcanine. I just beat Burgh's gym and I have the dessert area free to explore. Any tips?

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2 Answers

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Best answer

The earliest you can get a Water or Fire Stone in B/W 2 is immediately after receiving the Pokedex. This is the point where it becomes possible to transfer items from Pokemon Dream Radar (source, pg. 6). You can get a Water and/or Fire Stone in Dream Radar after catching Thundurus (source) and transfer it to your game with Unova Link.

If you don't have Dream Radar (which is a game on the eShop that costs money), the earliest way to get a Water Stone is by exchanging 3 BP at the Battle Subway in Nimbasa City. You can earn BP by getting a seven-win streak in the Battle Subway. At this point, the easiest way to get a streak is to board a Multi Train and team up with Rosa/Nate, who has strong Pokemon.

The earliest Fire Stone without Dream Radar is at the Desert Resort. It is a hidden item, so the Dowsing Machine may help you. This video shows the precise location and how to reach it.

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Good news, you can find a fire stone in the desert resort, right next to route 4 as long as you've got the dowsing machine, which, based on your description you already have. It's in the bottom left corner of the desert, by the one of the walls.

As for the water stone, you could have already gotten one, on route 19, one of the first routes in the game, next to Aspertia City(The city where you fought Cheren, the first gym leader)

Sources: Serebii Itemdex and Pokearth pages, and the link that Amethyst provided.

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Have fun with your vaporeaon and Arcanine, though I'd be very cautious about your growlithe, because once you evolve it, it will only learn extreme speed, and then have no new moves by level. And that's if the growlithe is below level 34.
i got the fire stone, but where exactly is the route 19 water stone please?
The answer is wrong about when you can get that particular Water Stone. It requires Surf, which you get on Route 6 some time after beating Clay.
As for where exactly it is: it's the leftmost item in the map. https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/8/80/Unova_Route_19_Summer_B2W2.png
Woops, didn't realize, thanks Fizz, must have forgotten to check shopping section in Serebii itemdex.