PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Hey! Long time since my last question but let's say time has passed. I recently downloaded Pokemon Go and just today I faced an issue. I ran out of Pokeballs due to me playing for the first time and having bad aim and the Pokemon not staying in it. I also have no coins. How do I get them? Because coins can do a lot, not only to buy Pokeballs but to buy lure and stuff as well. Please help.

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My parents won't allow me to buy coins with real money so don't suggest that.

1 Answer

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Best answer

You will get six PokéCoins per hour while your Pokémon is in a gym, but you’ll only get the coins when your Pokémon gets knocked out. You can also only get 50 PokéCoins per day, adding a cap to how many freebies you can grab. Even if you have multiple Pokémon in gyms, you can still only get 50 PokéCoins per day.

You can put your Pokemon into a gym, then if they get defeated in one or more hours, you will get coins.


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Well that's a lot complicated than expected.