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So lets say I breed a Ralts and a Grimer. Can a different Pokemon hatch from it (not Grimer or Ralts)


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No, the Egg will always hatch into a Level 5 Pokemon of the female's evolutionary line. In your case, the egg will hatch into whichever Pokemon was female. Some exceptions do exist, for example Manaphy can lay Phione eggs.
Source: https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokémon_breeding

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The Pokemon that hatches is not necessarily first-stage, as seen with baby Pokemon.
And if you want to be pedantic about this question's wording, you could say that a breeding pair like Magnezone and Ditto would hatch a Pokemon (Magnemite) that wasn't in the original breeding pair, meaning the answer is "yes". But OP probably didn't mean that.
There are also a few special cases, like NidoranF laying NidoranM eggs or Manaphy laying Phione eggs.
I'll edit to pokemon of the female's evolutionary line.
Ohh that makes sense thanks
You're welcome.