PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Pinsir and Swampert are the only ones I can remember but I'm pretty sure there are more than just those two alone
Do you want all Pokemon that exist in gen 3 or only the ones in RSE's regional Pokedex?

1 Answer

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Best answer

These are all fully evolded mons you can obtain prior to the post game(not counting egg moves or move tutors), The ones with images can learn by lv up. Let me know if I missed any!

Attack 100+

Slaking (Counter, Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash, Reversal)
Azumarill (Huge Power) (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Groudon (Ruby Only) (Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Rayquaza (Emerald Only) (Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Rhydon (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Metagross (Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Salamence (Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Absol (Rock Smash)
Armaldo (Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Gyarados (Rock Smash)
Pinsir (Seismic Toss, Brick Break, Rock Smash, Revenge, Submission, Focus Punch)
Crawdaunt (Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Donphan (Rock Smash)
Golem (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Sharpedo (Rock Smash)
Cacturne (Focus Punch, Revenge)
Zangoose (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Aggron (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Swampert (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Muk (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Camerupt (Rock Smash)
Flygon(Rock Smash)
Kyogre (Saphire Only) (Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Regirock (Superpower, Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Sanslash (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Seviper (Rock Smash)
Shiftry (Brick Break, Rock Smash)

Attack 70-100

Exploud (Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Kecleon (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Mightyena (Rock Smash)
Raichu (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Relicanth (Rock Smash)
Wailord (Rock Smash)
Mawile (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Sceptile (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Torkoal (Rock Smash)
Golduck (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Cradily (Rock Smash)
Girafarig (Rock Smash)
Skarmory (Rock Smash)
Whiscash (Rock Smash)
Registeel (Focus Punch, Superpower, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Sableye (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Swalot (Rock Smash)
Volbeat (Brick Break, Focus Punch)
Altaria (Rock Smash)
Claydol (Rock Smash)
Dusclops (Focus Punch, Rock Smash)
Linoone (Rock Smash)
Ludicolo (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Wigglytuff (Brick Break, Focus Punch)

Attack <70

Tropius (Rock Smash)
Delcatty (Rock Smash)
Spinda (Focus Punch, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Corsola (Rock Smash)
Alakazam (Focus Punch)
Magcargo (Rock Smash)
Regice (Focus Punch, Superpower, Brick Break, Rock Smash)
Illumise (Focus Punch, Brick Break)
Grumpig (Focus Punch)
Nosepass (Rock Smash)
Wobbuffet (Counter)

Wow, that took me more than 2 hours to make. I'm glad to help!

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Amazing answer! +1

I didn't check for any errors but I think "Attack 70-100" would be easier to understand than what is currently written.
@XPsydxck already fixed it :)