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I am looking for a good Pokemon for my team in Pokemon. I want a Pokemon that's not a legendary or mythical but still is very good. I am looking for a Pokemon that is very strong and can deal a lot of damage but still be able to take some hits. Also I want to know a good ability, move set, nature and geld item for that Pokémon.

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What do you want to do with this Pokemon? Do you want to battle other people, in-game trainers, or something else? No matter how you answer that question or what game you're playing, there are usually a few dozen "good" non-legendary Pokemon that you can use.
I want to battle other trainers like online and I'm playing in Pokemon sword.
We are only allowing this if we can narrow it down with this new title.
@Davis BSS means "Battle Stadium Singles". Please change the title if you're playing doubles and not singles. Also be aware that using legendary/mythical Pokemon is a requirement if you want to play competitive Pokemon seriously.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

BSS currently allows restricted Pokemon, which means it's probably a good idea to wait for the next series if you want to build a full team of non-legendaries. Unfortunately, I do not know what the next series will be, so I can answer only for series 12. Also note that the most viable unrestricted Pokemon are viable because they work well with restricted Pokemon, so this is another reason why a full non-legendary team is not the best idea right now.


With Imposter, Ditto becomes one of the most effective revenge killers in the format, dealing with massive threats such as Zacian-C, Calyrex-S, offensive Eternatus, and a variety of weakened Dynamax sweepers such as Seismitoad and Dragapult.
Imposter has a special interaction with Zacian's Intrepid Sword, granting Ditto an Attack boost upon transforming. This can make weakening Zacian-C into KO range of +2 Behemoth Blade a serious win condition to consider.
Ditto is a fairly capable user of Dynamax depending on what it copies, so always consider that as another potential win condition. Dynamax also allows Ditto to either get around a poor Choicelock or prevent itself from locking its move for three turns if used turn one.
While any Pokemon appreciates Stealth Rock support, it's especially notable for Ditto, since Stealth Rock nullifies Focus Sash and makes revenge killing Calyrex-S much more reliable.
Consider benching Ditto if facing a dedicated stall team or Trick Room team, as it has major issues breaking through them.
While Zacian-C and Calyrex-S are excellent targets for Ditto to use for sweeping, make sure to pay attention to team preview, as well-crafted teams may have Pokemon in the back to specifically prevent Ditto sweeps. Examples include Quagsire and bulky Steel-types against Zacian-C and physically defensive Porygon2 and Mimikyu for Calyrex-S.
Focus Sash Ditto needs a way to prevent Stealth Rock to be most effective. Teams with Choice Scarf Kyogre have a particularly good use for Focus Sash Ditto, since Choice Scarf Kyogre will be less expected with Ditto on team preview. Taunt users such as Tapu Fini, Grimmsnarl, and Yveltal are also good options to consider.
When using Focus Sash Ditto, consider some forms of speed control to give Ditto a better chance at sweeping foes. Paralysis support is the easiest option to consider, with a wide variety of Pokemon to choose from such as Porygon2 and Chansey, but another option includes Trick + Lagging Tail from Prankster Grimmsnarl, Mimikyu, and Tapu Fini. The most extreme method is using Sticky Web support, but setters such as Galvantula and Shuckle make this strategy unfriendly to beginners.
A Relaxed nature and 0 Speed IVs give Ditto the best chance of winning in the rare mirror match.



Despite mediocre stats, Quagsire makes itself very important by checking one of the best Pokemon in the game, Zacian-C! This makes Quagsire a staple both on stall teams and on more balanced and offensive teams that desperately need a Zacian-C check.
Yawn is highly recommended, as it lets Quagsire pressure special attackers that switch in as long as Stealth Rock is up, and it can stop Necrozma-DM before its Dragon Dances get too out of control.
Earthquake lets Quagsire usually 3HKO Zacian-C on its own. It also usually 4HKOes defensive Necrozma-DM, though Sunsteel Strike, which ignores Unaware, and Weakness Policy make this a risky tactic.
Scald is very weak, but it prevents Landorus-T from totally walling Quagsire, and the 30% chance to burn is quite useful. The burn can conflict with Toxic and Yawn, however.
Quagsire gets access to the rare and useful Toxic, which is great for putting bulky switch-ins to Quagsire on a timer, such as Kyogre.
Protect can help stall out powerful Dynamax users such as Life Orb Landorus-T that can threaten to break through Quagsire, and it also has great synergy with Yawn and Leftovers.
Stockpile is an alternate way to protect Quagsire against powerful physical Dynamax users, turning a lot of moves that 2HKO into a 3HKO, such as Life Orb Landorus-T's Max Quake.
Pairing Blissey or Chansey alongside Quagsire is highly suggested, since most powerful special attackers easily KO it. Blissey in particular does well against Kyogre thanks to Utility Umbrella.
Although Quagsire is mostly used to check Zacian-C, Water Absorb is a surprise option that makes Quagsire a good Kyogre check instead. The surprise factor at Team Preview is the main value, though, as Gastrodon is a better Kyogre check otherwise. When playing against Quagsire, consider the possibility of Water Absorb at Team Preview if it is paired with a strong secondary Zacian-C check, such as Necrozma-DM.


The people on Smogon have not yet started writing the analysis, so here's a sample set.
Porygon2 @ eviolite
Ability: trace
EVs: 244 HP / 44 Def / 220 SpD
Sassy nature
- ice beam
- foul play
- recover
- speed swap

The people on Smogon have not yet started writing the analysis, so here's a sample set.
Ferrothorn @ leftovers
Ability: iron barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy nature
- leech seed
- protect
- gyro ball
- bullet seed


With its great Attack, Speed, and Libero, Cinderace finds itself in a commanding position in the BSS metagame.
Pyro Ball becomes G-Max Fireball under Gigantamax, a 160-Base Power attack that also nullifies abilities like Mimikyu's Disguise and Heatran's Flash Fire.
Bounce gives Cinderace access to Max Airstream, which makes it a very potent sweeper, having nearly unmatched Speed alongside its colorful movepool and Libero.
Sucker Punch may seem odd on a set revolving around Max Airstream, but it can be useful in situations where Cinderace doesn't have a boost, such as revenge killing.
Giga Impact provides Cinderace with an obscenely powerful Max Strike, which is useful for both its wide neutral coverage and the Speed drop, which lets it maintain the Speed advantage in Dynamax battles against Zapdos without relying on Max Airstream. Max Strike is also Cinderace's strongest option against Quagsire.
Gunk Shot grants valuable coverage against Fairy-types such as Xerneas and Tapu Fini.
Iron Head still covers Xerneas while giving Cinderace access to Max Steelspike for Defense boosts.


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Battle Stadium Singles Series 12 Viability Rankings

The above link is an official pinned resource in the Battle Stadium Singles forum on Smogon.

Considering that BSS as an explicitly named format is de facto formalized by Smogon (albeit technically defined/hosted by Game Freak), I would argue that the above Smogon resource constitutes the most authoritative answer to your question.

P.S. Scroll down to the "Unrestricted Rankings" subheading in the root post to answer your specific question. However, beware that some unrestricted Pokemon are legendaries; no restricted Pokemon are non-legendary/non-mythical, though.

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It would be easier for the OP if you'd add a concise list of the viable non-legendary Pokémon in BSS. Getting outsourced to another site is not what the OP would be expecting, per se. It is also mentioned that they'd like a "sample" set for the Pokémon, which has its moves, items, ability etc.
The other answer links to the exact same viability rankings. Does this answer do anything besides explaining why the rankings are credible?