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I'm wondering if 1 X Accuracy enough for that?
I never use that item even though sometimes I used X Attack/Def when doing low level run.


1 Answer

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Best answer

If you're playing gen 3-6 (everything sandwiched between RS and their remakes), no. X Accuracy is only a 4/3 multiplier there, which is enough to bring a 70% move up to 93% but that's it.

In Sun/Moon and beyond, X items are 2-stage increases, so the multiplier is 5/3 and a move that was 70% becomes 117%, enough to stay perfect even if the opponent has Bright Powder.

Finally, in 1-2, X Accuracy didn't use the concept of "accuracy stages" (a sort of inverse Sand-Attack) at all. Rather, using just a single X Accuracy in those games was enough to make all your moves Swift% accurate until you switch, faint, or end the battle. This is why speedruns of RBY that actually bother to fight the Elite Four mostly use X Accuracy (and possibly X Speed) to set up Horn Drill and Fissure there.

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I'm playing ORAS currently, so i get 93% right? Its not 100 but its enough for me to get rid every wide lens i put on my team lol. Thank you.