PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I've been editing your questions to say "what are the best..." instead of "what is the best..." because there tends not to be one Pokemon that is *the* single best option. The best option varies depending on team context, so most answers will give you several viable options.
BTW, Smogon has role compendiums that can answer these questions (albeit at a basic level): https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/3659197/
don’t really have the time for a full answer, but some of mine are flygon (resistance to rocks and levitate to avoid spikes and toxic spikes), Skarmory (my favorite, can phaze and lay its own hazards) and Scizor (my least favorite, can also completely wreck a team).
@Fizz thanks a lot for the edits and I will keep this in mind for future questions.

3 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Moltres stands out as a solid offensive pivot thanks to U-turn complementing its good STAB combination and its ability to check tier staples like Scizor, Amoonguss, Skarmory, and Excadrill. Flame Body makes Moltres great at punishing the many U-turn users of the tier, including Scizor, Crobat, Zarude, and Diggersby. Moltres can also function as a solid support Pokemon with its Mystical Fire + Toxic set, wearing down Pokemon like Slowking, Hippowdon, and Rotom-W to support teammates like Mamoswine.

Rotom-W's typing and Levitate allow it to be an effective pivot that comes in against notable threats such as Mamoswine, Moltres, Pelipper, and Celesteela. Rotom-W can act as an effective entry hazard remover due to its great matchup against common entry hazard setters like Rhyperior and Krookodile. Other utility options like Pain Split and Will-O-Wisp allow it to make progress even when the opponent switches to its checks and counters. Its Choice Scarf set is also notable for addtionally providing solid speed control while still acting as a Ground-type immunity and hazard removal.

Rotom-H's unique typing generates a solid offensive and defensive profile that grants it a good place in the metagame. As an Electric-type pivot, it distinguishes itself from Rotom-W and Thundurus-T thanks to its ability to immediately threaten and wipe out common Grass-type walls like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Its typing also gives it the resistances to check Pokemon like Celesteela, Moltres, Scizor, Mamoswine.

Mandibuzz's typing, excellent mixed bulk, reliable recovery, and good utility options make it a great defensive Pokemon in UU, checking many offensive threats such as Excadrill, Azelf, Gyarados, and Zarude. It is also a decent Defogger with solid matchups against entry hazard setters such as Excadrill and Jirachi. Mandibuzz's relatively high Speed for a defensive Pokemon lets it get the jump on slower wallbreakers such as Primarina without investing too much into its Speed.


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Apart from these, Salamence is also a viable Defogger. It's the most common Pokémon in the tier and predicting around it isn't easy; its versatility helps it to fake sets.
0 votes

Been letting this question stew for a while, I’ve come up with some (in my opinion) nice Defoggers in Gen 8 UU.

Mandibuzz: Very nice mixed bulk, watch out for SR and rock-type hazard setters (hate you nihilego).

Flygon: RU by usage, but one of my favorites. Resistant to SR and immune to spikes/toxic spikes through levitate, can switch into fellow hazard-setters with ease. Obviously, watch out for ice-types and ice coverage.

Rotom-W: Most annoying out of all of these! Access to Defog, Taunt, and Will-O-Wisp is guaranteed to cripple most UU physical attackers. Honestly, my vote is to put this beast in OU.

Skarmory: Physically defensive wall. Slow as a rock going uphill, but access to many beneficial status moves such as Whirlwind, SR, Roost, Defog, and more. My defogger of

Hope I helped!

I think you shouldn't use Skarmory as a defogger. Skarmory learns the useful and relatively rare spikes and body press, so it's very likely that Skarmory is the only Pokemon on your team that learns both moves and not the only one that learns defog. You shouldn't put all 3 of those moves on Skarmory because it wants roost to heal and iron defense to boost body press.
I always forget body press exists lol
–1 vote

Latias is a very good defog Pokemon

Latias @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Defog
- Draco Meteor
- Hidden Power Fire / Psyshock / Thunderbolt
- Healing Wish / Roost

When was the last time you used a Latias in UU?