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2 votes

Basically what I’m asking is if the type of the Tera raid determines what flavor herba mystica you can get. ( I.e a fire Tera raid dropping spicy herba mystica or fairy type raid dropping sweet herba mystica)

Wait, do they drop Herba Mystica?
If yes, can you use them in sandwiches?
Yes but only 5 and 6 star raids drop herba mystica and you can use them to make sandwiches

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

As thematically fitting as it would be, no it does not. The type of Herba Mystica dropped is instead dependent on which Pokemon you face. Serebii's list of all available 5 star raids and their drops shows that different Pokemon give out different Herba Mystica, and type does not seem to be a common denominator among Pokemon that drop the same Herba Mystica (as an example, Slaking and Greedent are both pure Normal-types, but Slaking drops Spicy while Greedent drops Salty).

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