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I'm nuzlocke-ing for the first time and I don't have time to look up the trainer class on Bulbapedia then the specific trainer then what level their Pokemon are and then that specific Pokemon's learnset. Maybe if there isn't a list there's a calculator where I can input the Game then the Pokemon and Lvl and it would output Stats+Moves? Currently, losing sleep looking for either of those things and I'd appreciate any help! Have good one!


1 Answer

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Best answer

Hey there. I don't know what game you are playing, but this calculator is an excellent tool for calculating damage ranges:


I'd say that looking them up on any site would be counter intuitive, but most games have a walkthrough with the trainers found in each route and their teams on Bulbapedia.


Here is one with more in depth trainer data for Yellow

Walktrough Yellow

Here is in depth trainer data for Crystal

Trainers Crystal

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I'm playing both Yellow and Crystal, currently. The ign area guide would help but the Crystal guide on their website doesn't have one. This guide for Yellow (https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Pokémon_Red_and_Blue/Viridian_Forest) is the closest to what I'm looking for but doesn't include movesets and stats. And this guide for Crystal on the same website (https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Pokémon_Gold_and_Silver/Dark_Cave) is just the text ripped from the OG Nintendo Power trainers guide for Crystal (https://www.docdroid.net/h27c/nintendo-power-2001-pokemon-crystal-pdf). I'm less concerned with the actual stats and more concerned with what moves the opponent's Pokemon know. Thanks for your answer!
Thank you for that info. I have updated my answer to include 2 sources that have the information you are looking for. In the future, it helps people help you when your version is in the question (for obvious reasons). Good luck on your playthrough!