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As a shiny hunter, I need to be weary of Pokemon with explosion/self-destruct and it's just easier to be able to have false swipe(maybe hypnosis or thunder wave) and damp instead of putting it to sleep, switching out and not false swiping at all.

Sidenote: I know I can just save before encountering it and if I fail it, I can reset but I forget to do that a lot and also it wastes my leftover sandwich time.

I saw this strategy with Golduck where you Skill Swap Damp onto the explosion/self-destruct Mon.

1 Answer

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False Swipe

Of course there are other options with Damp Pokémon you could consider.

You could also consider Imprison by Pokémon such as Muk or Drifblim to lock the opponent out of moves like explosion.

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...when did Golduck lose False Swipe?  O.o  I know it used to have it.
Probably thinking of Fury Swipes. I swear, I do the same thing almost every gen. lol