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Does the move Simple Beam affect Tera Raid bosses?

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Ability manipulation moves work fine in raids, unless the shield is up or it's an opponent whose ability is immune to manipulation (like Mimikyu). The problem is that currently, nothing in the game is legally able to learn Simple Beam, and this will remain the case until at least importing from Home becomes possible. No one currently has Simple Beam as a level-up move, and while a couple species do have it listed as an egg move (which therefore makes it eligible for picnic transfer) it's the issue of not being able to get anything that can transfer the move in the first place.

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I'm going to leave this as "Unverified" until Home integration then, because I still have my doubts about whether Simple Beam will succeed even without the shield up. (Gastro Acid fails, for example, even though Skill Swap succeeds... so any rule that may exist is at the very least inconsistently implemented across "ability manipulation moves")
OP, have you tested this yet? is this answer satisfactory?