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I've been out of the game so to speak for quite some time, but got back in recently after investigating BD/SP. Once upon a time you could teach a TM or HM to a male Pokemon, and if the female's (or the male's if you put it with a Ditto) un-evolved form could learn it, the offspring would be born with the move too. I've just learned the hard way that that isn't a thing as of BD/SP. Is there a way to bypass this; a hold item, for example? I've also heard of parents passing egg moves to each other. Is that a thing in BD/SP, and if so, does it extend to TM's?

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Look in the breeding section in pokémon database and your question will be answered.
The breeding section hasn’t been updated as far as BD/SP, so any changes wouldn’t be documented there.
Yes, but it still is updated enough. The Tms section says that tms are no longer passed down.
That isn’t the info this question asks for.
I know it can't be done at a basic level. As I said, I worked that part out for myself. I was hoping someone had discovered a work around. I can understand the lack of need on a game where TM's are reusable, but BD/SP returned TM's to a consumable status. It would have been nice to save on resources/time by being able to do it somehow.

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