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Gengar is an offensive Clear Smog wielder. Let's say Gengar use Clear Smog against an Espeon which has been boosted by Calm Mind for multiple times. Would Clear Smog ignore the stat boost in special defense as it will neutralize all of stat boost?


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As you can see in this video, Kommo-o uses Clangorous Soul, which raises all stats. Gastrodon then uses Clear Smog, which does a minute amount of damage. Only after the attack does the line "The opposing Kommo-o's stat changes were removed," appear on screen.

There's also no mention on the Bulbapedia page for Clear Smog that the stat changes are eliminated prior to the damage being done.

Anyways, Clear Smog is only a 50 BP move, so the difference in damage on a bulky Espeon set will be minimal.

Hope I could help!

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Lol, I was trying to get a good source on this but couldn’t find any.