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Is it ever possible to get shiny Pokemon from breeding from gen 1-4? Did they make this possible in new generations? I know someone who got a shiny Riolu from Riley but it was not from breeding. I’ve personally hatched over 3,000 bred eggs and never once gotten a shiny mon. Just wondering if my luck hasnt happened or it isnt even possible from breeding. TIA

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1 Answer

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Best answer

You can hatch shiny Pokémon from eggs since Gen 2. The odds from Gens 1-5, without any boosts, are 1/8192. You’ve just been unlucky.

Breeding did not exist in Gen 1. However, you can still find “shinies” in Gen 1.

Here’s a cool guide we have on how to shiny hunt.

Source: experience

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It's worth mentioning that it's possible to raise the shiny chance in gen 2 if you know how IVs work, and gen 4 has the Masuda method. I don't think there are any ways to raise the shiny chance in gen 3.
definitely. Didn’t know how to word that, so I linked it instead :P
Thanks guys. Looks like masuda method isnt so feasible anymore without gts. Do any npc ingames trade or gift mons from another nationality?
@thewillow I think that should be posted as a separate question