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I dont know what Pokemon I should use for my current team in Pokemon Scarlet. I want to use either Annihilape or Skeledirge.

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Why not run both, I don't see that would be a problem. I mean if you really like both, I don't see what is wrong with  being unique and running two ghost type. Also that would be really awesome because you would have a spA Ghost type and a Atk Ghost type. But it also depends if you are already running a fire type or already running a fighting type? Also, are you already running a ghost type? You know just think about for a while and go with your gut.
My current team is koraidon garchomp tyranitar palafin and kingambit, i use koraidon both as a fire types user but also a fighting type user, so that is why i have a problem with which pokemon i should use.

1 Answer

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I'm not an expert by any means, but I have played through Scarlet and Violet. To start, in game, either Pokémon will be fine. Choose what you want. I would prefer Skeldridge though because I feel like Skeldridge makes the game faster. With Torch Song you can sweep pretty much any opponent especially since the A.I. is much easier in this game then in Sword and Shield. With a speed investment, you can outspeed almost any Pokémon, especially if you have a few levels over your opponent. Lastly, Skeldridge is a bulkier Pokémon, which means less trips to the Pokémon center. Annihilape has a deeper movepool, but Skeldridge has Torch Song, so it all evens out. It's your choice. I just believe Skeldridge is more effective in-game. Competitive is different.

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I realize now that I spelled Skeldrige wrong every time.
Skeldirge is a way to spell it
Thank you. I just realized I spelled it wrong again. I also just realized you spelled it wrong too. It is officially S-K-E-L-E-D-I-R-G-E. I hope I didn't spell that wrong.
yeah i misspelled it on purpose
Hmmmmmm. . . .
Skeldrige is just outright wrong
Agreed. There has to be more skeleton in there.