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I have more of an offensive and speed playstyle, and I can figure out which Pokemon I should use for this.

Why don't you use Tentacruel, Sharpedo, or Starmie?
bc I want to do an all-Hoenn team. Sorry for not saying it earlier
I also don't like Sharpedo that much :/
In that case, Walrein is probably better because it gets STAB for ice beam and has higher defense stats. It also learns rest and encore by level up, which might be useful.
ok, please make that an answer :)
Definetly walrein, Wailord Might Be A Bulky Fellow but Walrein is much more worth it, It's Bulkier But Has A Lot Of Weakness, But It can Cover Some Of Those Weaknesses, But Wailord Having Water Spout Is More Likely you will pick it it But the move is Weakenned By It's bad Sp.Atk, And Walrein Having the Beneficial Ice Typing Is Rare because in Pokemon Emerald Glaile Is Your Only other Option, But It Is Better on the physical attack side while Ice Remains Special In Gen 3, Walrein Having A Great Atk And Sp.atk, Combined by Bulky Defenses, more thanModerate HP, And bad Speed Might Help You In The Long Run, Espacially Drake .
All 6 of Glalie's stats are the same.
The main reason you shouldn't use Wailord is that it has Fluctuating growth rate, which makes it a terrible experience leech.
no one is making it an answer so I can favorite it :/ Regardless, thank you for the answers, I will use walrien now
you should probably hide this post now
Hiding the post is unnecessary. Someone should just make a more in-depth answer instead to get it off the unanswered list.
and that someone is?

I'll make an answer later today. But yes, Walrein is better.

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Wailord is pretty much completely outclassed by other Waters, while Walrein stands out a bit more with a better movepool, typing, and stats. They're both still far from the greatest Water-types by your criteria, such as Pelipper and Swampert.


Availability: Late
Stats: Above Average
Movepool: Decent
Additional Comments: He comes late, but Water/Ice is a good STAB combo and Walrein is very bulky with decent offensive capabilities.


Availability: Mid-game
Stats: Average
Movepool: Shallow
Additional Comments: It is slow, not overly strong, and by time you can get it you have already seen too many other good options for a strong Water-type.

Also, as Fizz said:

The main reason you shouldn't use Wailord is that it has Fluctuating growth rate, which makes it a terrible experience leech.

While Spheal has a better "Medium-Slow" growth rate.

Hope I helped!


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That source is pretty inaccurate and doesn't explain which moves are useful on Pokemon with "decent" movepools.
ty hallucinogenis