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So…. Ogerpon killed the Loyal Three. That got me thinking, what are all the Pokémon deaths in the main series games that are important for the storyline or lore, such as the legendary dogs, Az’s Pokémon, and now the Loyal Three. I don’t mean like the random NPCs that are like, “Here lies my Pokémon.” The Pokémon should be important for the story. They have to have died(It’s fine if they are revived like literally all my examples).

Lavender Town Marowak killed by Team Rocket
Alder's Volcarona
Looker's unknown partner (possible Croagunk)
Everyone (including Pokemon) ******* dies in Guzzlord's Hau'oli City lol
Ryme's dog Pokemon (Fidough?) dies but gets better

More at https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Death_in_the_Pok%C3%A9mon_world#In_the_core_series_games but I don't think any of the others are particularly lore-significant.
Are you including anime or just in main game?
Stoutland from the Sun and Moon series :(
since he referred to NPCs it's probably not the anime

1 Answer

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Best answer


  • In Kanto, Pokémon Tower houses hundreds of graves of deceased Pokémon
    in all of its seven floors. Many people visit the building daily to
    pay their respects to the fallen. Prior to the events of the
    Generation I games and their Generation III and VII remakes, Team
    Rocket tried to steal the Cubone to sell their valuable skulls. In
    the process, a mother Marowak that was protecting her Cubone child
    was killed.
  • I've heard people say Blue's Raticate died in Red / Blue. This isn't confirmed, however.


Raikou, Entei and Suicune (Also known as the Legendary Beasts) died in the Brass Tower.They are said to embody the three events that happened to the tower: the lightning that struck the tower, the fire that burned in the tower, and the winds and rain that put it out.


In Unova, prior to the events of Pokémon Black and White, Alder's starter Pokémon died of an illness, and in despair over not being able to save it, he began traveling around aimlessly. Before his partner's death, the two of them madly pursued strength. The Pokémon's death changed Alder's outlook on life. The identity of this Pokémon is never mentioned in Black and White, but dialogue in Black 2 and White 2 reveals that Alder's late partner was a Volcarona, which evolved from a Larvesta.


In Kalos, mysterious stones can be found on Route 10 which are actually the graves of Pokémon who were sacrificed 3,000 years ago in order for their life-forces to energize the ultimate weapon that was used by AZ to end the war.
- During the post-game side story in Lumiose City, Emma reveals that Looker once had a partner Pokémon that was always with him, but the Pokémon died on a case. In previous games, Looker owned a Croagunk, though it is unknown if Croagunk is the Pokémon that died.


In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the player can visit other dimensions via Ultra Warp Ride. One of these alternate dimensions includes the Ultra Ruin, home of the Ultra Beast, Guzzlord. The Ultra Ruin appears to be a destroyed post-apocalyptic version of Alola's Hau'oli City. (Implying most people / Pokémon died) The air is contaminated and dangerous to breathe in, with most civilians leaving to other planets. There is little to no signs of plant life seen in the Ultra Ruin and no other Pokémon or people appear except for a man in a Guzzlord-themed suit.


According to a magazine entitled "The Musician's Register", the theme of death pervades the work of Ryme, known as the "MC of RIP", "whose flows are said to bring the dead to their feet". The magazine states that when Ryme was in her teens, her dear Puppy Pokémon (basically any Puppy Pokémon you can think of that is in Paldea) passed away, and she poured her grief into a song. When she sang it, her partner came back to her as a ghost Pokémon. This moment is suggested to be what inspired her rap career.
- In Pokémon Violet, according to an article from a May issue of Occulture magazine, "a leading theory holds that Iron Hands was once an athlete who became mortally wounded but was kept alive by being made into a cyborg."
- In The Teal Mask, Ogerpon killed the Loyal Three after they took her masks and were implied to have killed her friend. They were later somehow revived after Kieran punched their grave site.

I didn't include the human deaths because you said "What are all the Pokémon games Pokémon deaths? and not generally all deaths in the Pokemon world. Sorry if I missed any.


edited by
Could you include the legendary dogs?
Is Houndstone Ryme's? If so, how is it that people can find Houndstone in the wild?
Its really sad that those deaths happened
Should the death of the previous Nobel in PL:A count?