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I literally just now got a Galarian Farfetch'd, and I really like Sirfetch'd. What's the best way to land the three crits?

Leek with high crit move. Maybe if you have a Leaf Blade TR, you can just learn it and crit everything.
I personally just used Sand Attack and Rock Smash while holding Leek on a Wobbuffet lol. Although now that I think of it, getting g a Substitute TR would have been better.
Also Dire Hits can help.
Dire Hit + Leaf Blade = Garunteed Crits. All you need to find is something bulky enough to tank the hits. Now that I think about it, there’s always a Duraludon at this certain spot in the Wild Area. That could probably tank the hits, and I don’t think it can threaten  you back too much.

1 Answer

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It's easy to do this post-game, but manageable before hand.

The easiest way is to give Galarian Farfetch'd a Leek, (which it has a 50% chance of holding in the wild,) and teach it Leaf Blade via either TR or level-up at Level 55. If you don't have access to Leaf Blade, you can also use Focus Energy, which it also learns via TR, and a low power move.

From that point, encounter a wild Metapod that has high defenses and uses Harden, and just spam Leaf Blade. It shouldn't take more than 4 turns until you've made three critical hits, and your Farfetch'd will evolve.

Scope Lens works as well instead of Leek, and is a guaranteed item on Route 9.

Hope this helps! Please ask if you have more questions

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