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In platinum I have seen 209 Pokemons so only the number 73 remains unseen which is Mismagius. However I have beaten Fantina in past.Do anyone now why mismagius doesn't appear in my pokedex?

Are you playing on an emulator?
No , I am playing on Nitendo DSi
If you have access to DP you can trade a Misdreavus caught in Eternal Forest or Lost Tower to Platinum and evolve it. Otherwise you cannot see Mismagius again without trading or hacking. Explain your situation more clearly please?

1 Answer

1 vote

If you are missing Mismagius, then I recommend beating the Stark Mountain sidequest, then going to the restaurant in the Survival Area, since you can rematch gym leaders there. Otherwise, you would have to access a D/P cart whether by trading or having it yourself and link trading to Platinum. I hope this helps!

Wouldn’t you be unable to do that without natdex which requires seeing Mismagius?
@jimmy Do you want your question back on the unanswered list?