Well, I'll post the team I wanted to post since Gouging Fire was Suspect Tested and remains legal in SV Monotype.

This team was built for a Core Laddering Challenge (CLC) where I had to use Raging Bolt + Dragonite on a Dragon team. The team does quite well on the Monotype Ladder. This version is an updated one regarding EV spreads of two Pokemon. (Original Version if you care) Raging Bolt + Dragonite is a nice solid offensive core.
Raging Bolt's Calm Mind set allows it to beat checks to Dragonite such as Corviknight, Skarmory, and Toxapex. Raging Bolt was also useful for the Water matchup in general. On the original team, Raging Bolt has enough Speed EVs to outspeed slower Gliscor sets. The updated EV spread allows Raging Bolt to outspeed uninvested Great Tusk and Adamant Azumarill, and survive an unboosted Icicle Crash from Chien-Pao, and a Moonblast from Flutter Mane at +1.
Dragonite appreciates Raging Bolt being able to get rid of its checks. You can use Outrage over Dragon Claw for the power. Earthquake is used to hit Steel-types such as Gholdengo, Archaludon, Iron Treads, Excadrill, and Heatran. Extreme Speed is used for priority against faster Pokemon, though you could get away with using something like Encore to provide more setup opportunities, Roost for healing, or a coverage move such as Fire Punch or Thunder Punch.
Latias is used for speed control with its Choice Scarf set, being able to use its STAB moves to clean up weakened teams. Mist Ball is used over Psychic due to the slight power it has and the 50% chance to lower Special Attack. Scarf Healing Wish Latias is really good for Dragon teams, as it can give a breaker a second chance at breaking or allow Archaludon to become healthy again to wall more physical wallbreakers.
Gouging Fire is used since its Fire/Dragon typing helps it with the Ice, Steel, and Fairy matchups. Gouging Fire is also a really a good wincon due to its bulk, letting it get off multiple Dragon Dances. Earthquake provides coverage against Pokemon such as Heatran, Toxapex, and Ceruledge. Morning Sun lets Gouging Fire recover HP so it can stay in longer. On the original team, Gouging Fire has enough speed to outspeed Choice Scarf Kleavor after a Dragon Dance boost. However, since Gouging Fire basically makes Bug teams unemployed, the updated EV spread on Gouging Fire lets it outspeed Chien-Pao and Flutter Mane after a Dragon Dance boost and makes Ice Beam from Choice Specs Greninja a 3HKO.
Baxcalibur was recently banned from Monotype, so I had to change out Baxcalibur for Kyurem. :( Kyurem is a Dragon Dance Loaded Dice shot set so it can have strong consistent STAB moves in Icicle Spear and Scale Shot. Dragon Dance Kyurem is here to basically take over the spot of Swords Dance Baxcalibur. Freeze-Dry with Jolly Nature may seem counterproductive, but Freeze-Dry is literally there just to OHKO Quagsire so it won't ruin Kyurem's day.
Archaludon is really good for Dragon teams, being a Steel/Dragon that can help in the Fairy matchup. Archaludon can take hits to activate Stamina, making its Body Press more powerful. Thunder Wave allows Archaludon slow down faster Pokemon to cripple them, which is useful for Raging Bolt since it isn't exactly fast. The Speed EVs allows Archaludon to outspeed Jolly Azumarill and Jolly Kingambit if you run into one. 32 Special Defense EVs combined with the 248 HP EVs allow Archaludon to live a Choice Specs Moonblast from Flutter Mane from full HP, allowing Archaludon to OHKO it with Iron Head, the Steel STAB for the set. The rest of the EVs are used in Defense with Impish Nature to let Archaludon take physical hits more comfortably.
The team doesn't have hazard removal since most of the team doesn't care about hazards being up, and Cyclizar without Shed Tail isn't good to use.
Well, that's all of the explanations for this team. Have fun using it! If I build more teams that are fun and solid for use on ladder, I'll share them.