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In Gen 4, Torterra is pretty good, Turtwig learns Razor Leaf at lvl 13, A good move for the first Gym. For the second Gym, You can already catch a flying type on the first few routes, the next two gyms you can just Bite and Razor leaf your way to victory. During the final rival battle, just Earthquake through his Infernape. Plus, it's good against four of Cynthia's Pokémon. In Gen 2 remakes, Feraligatr has a better and longer moveset than Typhloshion. But what do you think?

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This question might be too opinion-based to be allowed.
Just in case it's still allowed, I'll say I think Infernape is better than Torterra. Infernape has better offensive typing (a bunch of Pokemon resist both grass and ground) and higher speed, and it can learn powerful STAB moves (namely fire blast and focus blast) before Maylene.
Feraligatr probably is better than Typhlosion, but this margin isn't as big as the one between Infernape and the other DPPt starters. One nice thing about Typhlosion is that it learns fire blast before Whitney.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Infernape is the best starter in DPPt, mostly because it has the best offensive typing and highest speed. Grass, flying, and bug resist both of Torterra's STABs, and water resists both of Empoleon's STABs. Infernape also learns powerful STAB moves (namely fire blast and focus blast) before Maylene, and it can learn coverage moves to hit the few Pokemon that do resist its STABs. This is the moveset that I recommend.

Infernape @ fist plate/expert belt/metronome
EVs: 100 Atk
- flare blitz/fire punch
- close combat
- swords dance
- shadow claw/thunder punch

Typhlosion and Feraligatr are roughly equally good, even if one of them is a bit better. Both of them have a high attack stat and can outspeed most opponents. The biggest differences are that Typhlosion learns powerful STAB moves (namely flame wheel and fire blast) earlier in the game, while Feraligatr has better coverage moves later in the game. Feraligatr might also be outclassed by Gyarados (it arrives at a higher level, has higher physical attack, and learns dragon dance), while no other fire Pokemon in HGSS is nearly as good as Typhlosion.

Typhlosion @ charcoal/choice specs
EVs: 100 SpA
- flamethrower
- focus blast
-return/hyper beam

Feraligatr @ mystic water/metronome
EVs: 100 Spe
- waterfall
- ice fang
- crunch
- flail/earthquake

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