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I have completed 12 Pike runs and cleared through 126 rooms, and I have already bagged the Silver Luck Symbol. However Bulbapedia says I have to complete 10 runs to get a chance for the Gold symbol, yet on my 12th run (larger than 10) there is no Pike Queen to be found, and therefore no Gold Symbol. Is there any reason for this?

Does the PC in the lobby say you've cleared 126 rooms?
yuh it does
So on the 13th attempt (ironic as I’m in the Battle Pike getting the LUCK symbol) I managed to get an encounter with Lucy and nab the gold symbol. So it’s either Bulbapedia doing a mistake or I did something wrong( this is a clean copy with no mods or cheats or nothing)
Either that or they don’t let me get both Silver and Gold on the same day. I dunno.

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