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With the Shiny Gimmighoul Raid returning in August, I want to actually hunt it this time around since I never did the last time. I'm also going to be in a shiny hunting community in Discord so if I do find one (assumings the odds are the same as last time), I'll be able to host the raid so others can get it easily. However, I've never actually hosted a shiny raid, let alone found a shiny in one, so I have questions concerning how that works.
My main concerns are as follows (assuming I find a shiny):

  1. How do I host the raid multiple times? I'm assuming I have to beat the Gimmighoul and then let everyone catch it while I disconnect?

  2. What do I do when I find a shiny in a raid? This is a more general question, but will it still be shiny if I intentionally fail the raid, save, and try again?

  3. Will being online and changing the clock keep the raids the same? I know that when the date rolls over to the next day, outbreaks and Tera Raids reset, and I also know that if you keep the date the same by changing the clock, outbreaks and I believe Tera Raids (I wasn't paying too much attention to the raids I was only worried about the Hisuian Basculin outbreak) stay the same. However, I did all this offline and I haven't tinkered with changing the date and raids while being online. Also, if the clock rolls over on its own and I set it a day back, will the raid still be there?

  4. If I tinker around with the clock, go offline, and connect to the internet again, will my raids reset? I haven't done online stuff in Violet for a bit, but from what I remember, if you connect to the internet with a previous event still on your game, your raids and outbreaks reset to update them to the current event (or get rid of the previous event if there is no current event). So theoretically, if I go online during the current event, nothing should happen, but I haven't tinkered around with the clock while doing this so I need to be sure.

I think that's all my questions and concerns. But if I missed anything that's crucial to know for hosting a shiny Tera Raid, please let me know.

If it's anything like SwSh, (I haven't played SV), people hosting shiny raids usually disconnect as soon as the raid starts. Also, it should continue to be shiny so long as the raid does not disappear, and a day does not pass.

Do not tinker with the clock
Anyone? Anything?

1 Answer

0 votes

I'm not an expert on this so don't take my word for anything.
1. If you beat the Gimmighoul it will disappear from the map, whether you catch it or not.
2. If you find a shiny in a raid what I would do is cheer and then go to defeat it as fast as possible so the timer doesn't run out and you catch it. And no, I don't not believe it will still be shiny.
3. Yes and no. If you save and close the game, change the clock to the next day, yes it will reset. But if you change the time whilst still being online I don't think it will.
4. Yes.
(Again, I AM NOT AN EXPERT I AM JUST SAYING MY PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE so I might be wrong also sry I'm like 3 months late idrk)

I actually remembered this question last night I need to wait to get online and when there's an event raid for me to test the last 2, but I can clarify the first 2 points at least.

1. I didn't test it with online, I tested locally, but what I did was I beat the raid, waited for the other switch to enter the catching animation, and close out of the game on the host switch. However, for online, I assume I have to wait a bit longer, like when the others exit the raid.

2. Since I found gimmighoul, I can verify that if you find the shiny, enter the raid and exit without defeating the shiny, then save, the raid (and shiny) will still be there for you to return to if you change the date to keep it the same day you found the raid. The raid will only disappear if the clock goes to a different date and you save, or if you defeat the raid and save.